
You who protect the young! The web drama "The Prosecutor of Nine Departments" is scheduled to be broadcast on August 14


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It is already mid-August, and there is not much free time left for summer vacation! How did you spend your summer vacation? Traveling, reading, studying... are all good choices. China's first online drama with juvenile prosecutors as the protagonists and focusing on the protection of minors is coming.The online drama on juvenile prosecution, "Prosecutors of the Nine Departments", has been officially scheduled to be broadcast on iQiyi on August 14.It is the right way to start the second half of your summer vacation, making your summer vacation richer and more fulfilling.

In reality, cases involving minors always trigger heated discussions in society. Some of the cases involving minors presented in "Prosecutors of the Nine Departments" are thought-provoking. Why do young teenagers run away from home? What are the unknown secrets behind young girls? How dare they blackmail others at such a young age? What's wrong with these children? It is not easy to protect teenagers. Every silence and blind obedience will become indulgence of the wrongdoers and harm to the victims. The airborne and versatile prosecutor Lei Xu (played by Zhang Yi) partners with the super-friendly female prosecutor Du Ziyu (played by Qin Lan), and joins hands with the prosecutors of the Nine Departments to unravel the truth, care for teenagers together, irrigate the future with love, and work together to be a safety shield for children!

Who says prosecutors can only be cold and serious? The drama does not take the serious route of popularizing the law, but focuses on a warm and healing one. Many plot designs are not routine, and the characters in the drama are full of "contrast". Their work and life are full of laughter, tears, and fireworks. "Four coconuts (Coconut 4) = Yes" forms a homophonic pun, which easily grasps the brain-opening welcome of Lei Xu, the new director of the Ninth Department. Yang Tian (played by Xu Fan), a "super brain" clerk with rich experience in case management in the Ninth Department, Xu Zhangli (played by Wang Zhener), a female bailiff who "pull the mountain and make Lei Xu angry", and Liu Liu (played by Zou Yuanqing), an assistant prosecutor who easily plays with new media publicity, can be said to be Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. The Nine Departments' "Minor Protection" Team never forgets its original mission, because they "are not handling cases, but children's lives". While communicating with parents and urging them to care for their children's physical and mental health, they try their best to save minors who have committed crimes, so that they can "climb out of the abyss, face a more exciting life, and create a better future."

The drama is jointly produced by iQiyi, the Film and Television Center of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, Zhengzhou Procuratorate, Dengfeng Procuratorate, New Power Culture, Laoyou Film and Television, Detective Rishang, Fangtian Film and Television, etc., starring Zhang Yi and Qin Lan, with special starring Xu Fan, starring Wang Zhener, Zou Yuanqing, Jia Xiaohan, special starring Li Hongtao, and friendly starring Han Haolin.

(Source: Procuratorate Daily, Author: Gao Bin, Lei Xueting, Du Xiaoxia)
