
Respond to the flood with "speed"! They provide you with a "safety umbrella" for flood prevention


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According to Gao Dashang Pinggu, the Beijing News reported that Pinggu District is currently in the critical flood prevention period of "July to August". All departments, units, towns and streets in the district have improved their political stance, established a bottom-line thinking, formulated plans in advance, improved emergency response mechanisms, built a strong flood prevention team, prepared sufficient flood prevention materials, and comprehensively investigated and eliminated safety hazards. With a working state of "always worrying and often waking up in the middle of the night", they have grasped all flood prevention work in a down-to-earth manner and made every effort to ensure the safety of people's lives and property and the safe and orderly operation of the city.

Pinggu Highway Branch

Keep your safety string tight at all times

Create a safe and smooth road environment

Since the beginning of the flood season, the Pinggu Highway Branch has comprehensively strengthened highway maintenance and management during the flood season, strictly implemented various flood prevention measures, kept a tight grip on flood prevention safety, and made every effort to ensure that roads are open and smooth, striving to create a safe and smooth road traffic environment.

According to the deployment of flood prevention work at the municipal and district levels, Pinggu Highway Branch revised the "Pinggu District Road Traffic Flood Prevention Special Emergency Plan" and the "Pinggu Highway Branch 2024 Highway Flood Prevention and Rescue Emergency Plan", and reserved 187 highway flood prevention and rescue emergency teams and 59 sets of road rescue machinery. Two flood prevention emergency drills were carried out, involving 98 flood prevention personnel, which effectively improved the emergency response capabilities of the flood prevention team.

Pinggu Highway Branch also strictly implements the duty system during the flood season, increases the frequency of daily highway maintenance inspections, and continues to do a good job in road safety hazard inspection and governance. Pay close attention to meteorological information and rainfall dynamics, promptly initiate corresponding level plans based on early warning information, strengthen the duty of risk points such as geological disaster risk points and sunken bridge areas, and inspect road safety hazards three times "before, during, and after the rain". If any dangerous situation is found, it will be reported and handled in a timely manner. The road variable information board will continuously release road traffic prompts during heavy rainfall to guide the general public to travel safely.