
Act quickly to respond to heavy rain


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According to Gao Dashang Pinggu, Pinggu has recently experienced heavy rainfall, reaching the level of rainstorm. According to statistics, from 14:00 on August 9 to 08:00 on August 10, the average cumulative rainfall in the district was 118.7 mm, with the maximum rainfall at Jinhai Lake Station at 197.1 mm, and the maximum hourly rainfall at Jinhai Lake Station at 96.3 mm. Pinggu District is on duty 24 hours a day to respond to heavy rainfall, strictly follow the requirements of the flood control plan, carefully prepare for flood control, and implement various emergency response measures to ensure the safety of citizens' lives and property and the smooth operation of the city.

Before the rain: comprehensive deployment and enhanced prevention

On August 9, Pinggu District issued five warnings: orange for heavy rain, blue for strong wind, yellow for mountain torrents, yellow for geological disasters, and blue for waterlogging. All departments, units, towns and streets have deployed comprehensive measures to deal with heavy rainfall and implemented a 24-hour duty system. 40 emergency rescue teams with 4,265 people and 477 sets of large-scale rescue equipment are on duty.

Donggaocun Town cleared rain grates, ditches, rivers and other drainage outlets in advance to prevent waterlogging