
Overseas Chinese media visited the "Hometown of Emperor Yan" to experience Emperor Yan's culture


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China News Service Jincheng, August 10 (Yang Jieying and Yang Peipei) On August 9, the 2024 "Walking in China, Reporting on China" overseas Chinese media Shanxi tour entered the "Hometown of Yan Emperor" Gaoping, Jincheng, Shanxi, to experience the culture of Yan Emperor.

Shennong Yandi, as the cultural ancestor of the Chinese nation, selected and bred grains, taught people how to farm, tasted hundreds of herbs, and created medicine in the Shangdang area centered on Yangtou Mountain in Gaoping in ancient times. He pioneered the Chinese agricultural civilization and was the forerunner of Chinese medical civilization.

Overseas Chinese media experience the culture of Emperor Yan. Photo by Wu Junjie

Li Junpeng, head of Shanxi Gaoping Shennong Yandi Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd., introduced that in 2014, Gaoping launched the restoration and protection project of Yandi Mausoleum. After restoration, Yandi Mausoleum has four entrances and three courtyards, with 308 halls and houses. At present, Yandi Mausoleum has more than 20 cultural landscapes, including memorial archways, pilgrimage avenues, ladders to heaven, Yandi Square, Merit Hall, and Ancestor Hall.

Among them, the murals in the Hall of Merit show the achievements of Emperor Yan Shennong, such as teaching people how to farm, inventing medicine, making calendars and time divisions, making tools to establish his authority, weaving hemp into cloth, building walls to form cities, initiating trade, educating people, performing five-stringed rituals and music, and making pottery. The Hall of Ancestors is a place for sacrifice, and the murals in the hall show the alliance between Yan and Huang.