
The film "Thumb Man" directed by Li Peilin will be shown in Yuncheng Cinema in Shanxi


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The Hedong Authors Film Festival, also known as the Yuncheng New Youth Film Festival, aims to give birth to a new light of literature and art on the land of rich humanities and history, and activate a seed of film and art with vitality. Since the public collection of films in June, about 900 films have been collected, about 50 films have been shortlisted, and 15 films have won awards. After the preliminary and final selections, the shortlisted films will be announced in late July. The film exhibition will be screened to the public in early August, including outdoor screenings and theater screenings.
The Hedong Author Film Exhibition unit is divided into: Author Spirit: creators with author consciousness, a kind of young and new literary and artistic works with vitality. Hedong Window: focusing on and displaying the images and authors of the humanities, geography, history, etc. of Hedong and Shanxi. Artistic Exploration: cross-border experiments, exchanges and collisions related to movies. Her Perspective: films with unique expressions in which women participate as the main creators.

The film "Thumb Man" directed by science fiction writer Li Peilin was shortlisted for the Hedong Author Film Festival and will be exhibited in Yuncheng Cinema and other literary and artistic spaces in Shanxi in August. The film "Thumb Man" has won the Gold Award of the Charleston International Film Festival in the United States, the Second Prize of the Drama Unit of the Fifth China Dream Youth Image Festival, the Second Prize of the Eighth Wanfenglin Image Festival, the Second Hong Kong International Online Film Festival, the Second SHISW Cuilin Short Film Award, and the Asian International Youth Film Festival Best Children's Film Unit Shortlist.

At the same time, in 2024, Li Peilin's collection of novels with the same name, "Thumb Man", will also be launched on the market. It is highly recommended by Dong Renwei, founder of the Chinese Science Fiction Nebula Award, Yao Haijun, deputy editor-in-chief of Science Fiction World, Zheng Jun, winner of the Chinese Science Fiction Nebula Award, A Que, winner of the Chinese Science Fiction Galaxy Award, Fractal Orange, winner of the Chinese Science Fiction Nebula Award, and Gu Bei, director of the China Science Writers Association.

It is reported that Li Peilin's new work "Strange Wife" directed in July 2024 has been filmed in Zhengzhou. The film "Strange Wife" is adapted from Li Peilin's original work of the same name. It is a film that combines suspense, science fiction, and love, exploring family, identity and self-cognition. The story revolves around the couple Wang Ning and Luo Tiancheng. One day, Wang Ning suddenly confessed to her husband Luo Tiancheng that she was a monster. This shocking truth completely subverted their peaceful life. The film is currently in the post-production stage. Recently, Li Peilin and He Bin, a popular author of the domestic Huangqi Science Fiction Organization Platform, have also launched a film cooperation plan, and will soon launch a new science fiction novel film and television work "Grandpa's Rebirth" to bring it to all audience friends. "Grandpa's Rebirth" is a science fiction comedy film that tells a story about family, technology and humanity in a black humor, absurd and thought-provoking way. Li Xiaoming, an ordinary college student, met a mysterious man in a black suit and sunglasses one day after his grandfather passed away. The man sold him a magical product called "Super Oral Liquid". It is said that this oral liquid has the mysterious power to revive the dead. Out of his longing for his grandfather and curiosity about this magical power, Li Xiaoming decided to buy and try this oral liquid. However, things did not develop as he expected. "Grandpa's Rebirth" is not only a hilarious comedy movie, but also a work that can trigger the audience's deep thinking.
Li Peilin mentioned that in the future, she will cooperate with more domestic literary platforms and science fiction writers to launch unique and new excellent science fiction film and television works.
