
Turkish media: We have seen a Xinjiang where people live happily


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On August 8, the first stop of the online communication activity "Can't Get Enough of Xinjiang" came to Urumqi, Xinjiang. Representatives from eight mainstream Turkish media visited the Autonomous Region Museum, Urumqi International Land Port Area, the Anti-Terrorism and Anti-Extremism Theme Exhibition, Yangxing Temple and Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar for interviews and research.
Tunk Akkoc, editor-in-chief of Haliji International Current Affairs Media, mentioned that Xinjiang has a rich historical heritage and is one of the most important regions in the world in terms of geopolitics, culture and economy. Being able to show these to the Turkish people is very important for the development of relations between China and Turkey.
Mustafa Birol Juger, editor-in-chief of the Republic website, said: "Today in the Grand Bazaar in Urumqi, everyone is smiling, which means they are happy, which is completely different from what we heard from some Western media." ( reporter Zhang Andi, Wang Ruoxin, intern Ji Yunfan)
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