
Han-made new energy vehicles start delivery as soon as they are launched, with the entire range of Dongfeng eπ007 extended-range version starting at 131,600 yuan


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Officially launched in Beijing and started delivery simultaneously, Han-made new energy vehicles have set a new pace. It was learned on the 10th that Dongfeng eπ007 extended-range version was sold immediately after its launch. The new car is equipped with Dongfeng Mach super-sensing extended-range system, CLTC pure electric range of 200km, comprehensive range of 1,200km, and the listed model starts at 131,600 yuan.

Dongfeng Yipai is a mainstream technology electric brand created by Dongfeng. The models launched this time are available in two versions: eπ007 200Air extended-range version, with an official guide price of 131,600 yuan, and eπ007 200Pro extended-range version, with an official guide price of 159,600 yuan. Previously, the eπ007 pure electric version and eπ008, which were launched on March 14 and June 14 this year, respectively, both achieved sales as soon as they were launched, with cumulative sales exceeding 23,000 units.

The eπ007 extended-range version is equipped with the Mach Super Sense range-extending system, which has three unique advantages: ultra-low energy consumption, super performance, and super quietness. The Mach Power 1.5L hybrid dedicated engine achieves the strongest oil-to-electricity conversion efficiency of 3.55kWh/L in its class. The fuel consumption per 100 kilometers in the power feeding state is only 4.2L, the pure electric range is 200km, and the comprehensive cruising range is 1200km, making long-distance travel stress-free.

Since its launch, the exterior design of eπ007 has ranked first in its class in the word-of-mouth evaluation of the three major domestic automobile vertical media, and won the 2024 German Red Dot Product Design Award. This time, the eπ007 extended-range version has added the "Starry Night Purple" exterior and "Flowing Golden Orange" interior color schemes to provide users with more choices. And the new 18-inch Star Wing Quiet Comfort Rims have improved road noise, vibration transmission and endurance, bringing users a more quiet and comfortable driving experience. In terms of intelligent driving, the SOA smart cockpit can realize more than 300 custom scenes, thousands of people, and change according to needs. The full-scene intelligent voice interaction system can execute 8 commands in 10 seconds, and can realize 100% voice control of all functions of the vehicle interface. The whole series is equipped with more than 20 intelligent assisted driving functions as standard, and the intelligent driving pilot upgrade package can be optionally equipped to realize high-speed NOA pilot assisted driving, LAPA beyond-visual-range memory parking and other high-end intelligent driving functions that are rare in the same class. (Fan Ziran, intern of Jiupai News)

[Source: Jiupai News]

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