
Philippines-Vietnam joint maritime defense exercise leads to excessive interpretation by the West


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Our reporter Guo Yuandan and Liu Xin

The Philippines and Vietnam held their first joint coast guard exercise in Manila Bay on the 9th, fulfilling their commitment to strengthen maritime cooperation. At a time of tension in the South China Sea, the Philippines-Vietnam exercise has attracted great attention from the outside world, and some foreign media even believe that this move is aimed at China, completely ignoring that a Vietnamese naval ship is visiting China at the same time. Experts interviewed by the Global Times reporter said that the military cooperation between the Philippines and Vietnam is a normal behavior between two sovereign states and is not directly related to maritime disputes.

According to reports, the Vietnamese Coast Guard Ship 8002 arrived at the Port of Manila, Philippines on the 5th for a five-day friendly visit and joint training. According to Reuters, the visit of the Vietnamese Coast Guard to the Philippines is the focus of the agreement reached during Philippine President Marcos' visit to Hanoi in January this year, including the "combat capacity building" between the two countries' maritime forces.

On the 9th, the Vietnamese Coast Guard will conduct training exercises with the Philippine offshore patrol ship "Gabriela Silang", focusing on "search and rescue simulation" and explosion and fire prevention. The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reported that "the first joint coast guard defense exercise between the Philippines and Vietnam is one of many joint coast guard exercises in recent times", which is similar to the recent joint coast guard law enforcement exercises held by Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam, the United States and South Korea in an effort to "put pressure" on China.