
What is hidden on the Diaoyu Islands? Why is Japan so obsessed with seizing the islands? Three major values ​​cannot be ignored


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China's Diaoyu Islands have always been coveted by Japan, which has even resorted to illegal means to engage in crazy provocations around the Diaoyu Islands. What secrets are hidden on the Diaoyu Islands? Why has Japan been so obsessed with seizing the islands for so many years? Many people find it difficult to understand. The main reason is that there are three important values ​​surrounding the Diaoyu Islands that cannot be ignored.

Japan is an ally and pawn of the hegemonic country, the United States, and can even be used as cannon fodder in extreme cases. Of course, because Japan has its own sinister plot, it is more appropriate to say that the United States and Japan use each other. With the connivance of the United States, Japan even found untenable excuses to continuously and frantically attack the bottom line of my country's maritime rights and interests, trying to plunder my country's Diaoyu Islands. Japan is staring at this island of my country with red eyes. What is its ulterior purpose?

In other words, is there an unknown treasure hidden on the Diaoyu Islands? The United States is behind the instigation and support, so Japan dares to be so crazy and unscrupulous. What do these two countries want to gain?