
Talking about the plenary session and implementation | Zhu Wan: Leading the way and setting an example in deepening the reform of the science and technology system


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Red Net News reporter Li Bing, intern Tang Yujiao, correspondent Xia Jian reported from Changsha

"The Decision adopted by the plenary session has drawn up a roadmap for optimizing and improving the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and moving towards Chinese-style modernization. It has clarified the guiding ideology, overall goals, and major principles for further comprehensively deepening reform, and expounded the key tasks, main directions, and working methods for promoting comprehensive deepening of reform. It has also made systematic arrangements in 14 areas, including economy, politics, culture, society, ecological civilization, national security, national defense, and the military. It has provided a fundamental guideline for further comprehensively deepening reform on the new journey, and will surely gather important consensus and tremendous strength for promoting Chinese-style modernization." Recently, Zhu Wan, deputy chairman of the Hunan Provincial Committee of the China Democratic National Construction Association and director of the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, said in an interview with reporters that it is necessary to take the study, implementation, and implementation of the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee as a major political task at present and in the future, and to ensure its implementation.

Zhu Wan believes that we should study in depth General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of new ideas, new viewpoints and new conclusions on comprehensively deepening reform, deeply understand and grasp the theme, major principles, major measures and fundamental guarantees of further comprehensively deepening reform, consciously unify thoughts and actions with the spirit of the plenary session, and strengthen our confidence and determination in reform.

Secondly, we should set an example in implementation. Zhu Wan said that we should make the promotion and implementation of the major reform measures determined by the plenary session an important part of our political consultation and advice, focus on the difficulties and bottlenecks in reforms in various fields, adhere to and carry forward the unique advantages of the China Democratic National Construction Association in close contact with the economic community, combine the strengths of the China Democratic National Construction Association with the needs of the overall situation, conduct in-depth investigations and research, actively participate in political consultation and advice, put forward opinions and suggestions for improving the systems and mechanisms in various fields, and contribute to further deepening reforms in an all-round way.

At the same time, Zhu Wan said that it is also necessary to do a good job in promoting the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee and related policies, boost the confidence of members, especially member entrepreneurs in development, firmly sing the bright future of China's economy, and guide the majority of members to transform their patriotism and desire to serve the country into conscious actions and practical results in fulfilling their duties.

Finally, we need to seek breakthroughs in reform. Zhu Wanru said that on the basis of implementing the three-year action plan for science and technology system reform, we will further intensify the reform efforts, combine the new arrangements and requirements of the plenary session, and plan a new round of science and technology system reform measures around improving the macro-coordination management mechanism and strengthening key core technology research, especially promoting the implementation of several measures to accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in colleges and universities, and strive to achieve more landmark reform results, inject strong momentum into building a highland of scientific and technological innovation with core competitiveness, and provide institutional guarantees.