
Using Yuan Longping's photo as a hint, Bulibao's smart shoe routine: brainwashing, cutting leeks, bragging and making big promises


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From claiming to be a leader in smart wearable technology to completing a national project, from boasting about the health and wellness benefits of Bulibao shoes to health care treatments, from claiming to be on par with Apple and Huawei to planning to go public...Bulibao brand holder Hebei Jilibao Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Jilibao Company") has been brainwashing and profiting from sales all over the country while making big promises.

The so-called "listing within two years"

Not long ago, the "Bulibao Technology Smart Wear Leader" network released a video of the "China Smart Wear Summit Forum - Jilibao Smart Technology Nanning Offline Order Fair". In the video, Li Sinnan, a long-term endorser of Bulibao and a self-proclaimed expert of the China General Chamber of Commerce, claimed that Jilibao Smart Wear is a national-level project and the project has now been completed.

Li Sinnan said that the result of this national project is that all 16 provincial-level forward warehouse companies of Jilibao across the country will be completely reformed into state-owned enterprises and directly managed by state-owned enterprises. At the same time, Jilibao's production line will be re-registered as a new company and "listed within two years", and all Jilibao store owners will have new stocks.

The orderers in the audience applauded loudly.

What exactly is this Jilibao company that sounds so impressive?

Industrial and commercial information shows that Jilibao was established in 2023 with a registered capital of 3 million yuan, all of which was subscribed and not paid in. The number of people paying social security is zero.

The registered address of Jilibao Company is Nanshaozhuang Village, Cuizhuang Town, Xushui District, Baoding City, Hebei Province. This registered address is the same as the address of Hebei Jixingyu Shoe Co., Ltd. After the reporter verified this, the relevant person in charge of Jixingyu Shoe Co., Ltd. said that Jilibao rented the office building of Jixingyu for office.

The strength of Jilibao Company is evident.

The so-called Jilibao smart wearable is a "national-level project". The reporter verified that it was pure bragging: the China General Chamber of Commerce denied the existence of a staff member named Li Sinan and denied the existence of such a national-level project.

The so-called mixed-ownership reform of central enterprises and "listing within two years" derived from a national-level research project are obviously empty promises. In the capital market, listing has strict requirements on all aspects of enterprises and a long cycle. The so-called listing within two years is almost impossible.

The so-called "magic shoes" for health and wellness

Even worse than boasting and making empty promises is that on June 25 this year, Bulibao caused public outrage by its unscrupulous attempt to touch upon the "Father of Hybrid Rice" Yuan Longping.

In the "Bulibao Business Handbook", there is a photo of Yuan Longping printed prominently, and above the photo it says "Mourning! Academician Yuan Longping passed away: Why are we told that elderly people should never fall?" Below the photo are the text "Died due to ineffective treatment of illness", "Fell", "Died at the age of 91", and "The ultimate culprit of his death", implying that Yuan Longping fell and died due to lack of a good pair of shoes.

But Bulibao’s promotion of its own “effectiveness” is far from limited to this.

"It is this shoe that helps you massage your feet, it is this shoe that helps you open up your microcirculation, it is this shoe that helps you clear the meridians throughout your body, it is this shoe that helps you expel the cold and dampness in your body, and it is this shoe that helps you have a good body, it is this shoe, it is all this shoe"... In the product introduction, Bulibao smart wearable massage shoes claim to be "a health product that does not need to be taken", "a massager that can be worn on the feet", and "a health expert that accompanies you all the time".

Bulibao claims to have five major technologies: bioelectric technology, gyromagnetic technology, Chinese herbal medicine mugwort, graphene, and temperature control system. It also claims to have four major effects: unblocking meridians, activating qi and blood, balancing yin and yang, and expelling dampness and cold.

But these claims have no scientific basis.

The reporter found that "bioelectricity" is currently widely used in medical diagnostic equipment. Medical diagnostic equipment is used in corresponding diagnostic scenarios based on its own design, but "bioelectricity" itself does not have medical or diagnostic functions.

The so-called "magnetic therapy" is currently generally believed in the medical community to have no evidence to prove that it has any diagnostic or treatment functions, and it has not been directly applied in medical scenarios.

"Graphene" is just a carbon material and has no proven medical effects.

Business enquiry website Qichacha shows that currently Jilibao Company only has one patent for the appearance design of "sole".

Where does Bulibao’s claim of “opening meridians, activating qi and blood, balancing yin and yang, and expelling dampness and cold” come from?

In fact, there is no such category as "shoes" for either health care products or medical products. Jilibao itself does not have the qualifications to produce health care products or medical products.

Industrial and commercial data show that the only content related to "shoes" in Jilibao Company's business scope is "shoe manufacturing, shoe and hat wholesale, and shoe and hat retail."

The so-called "health care medical equipment"

But judging from the performance of Bulibao's offline stores, Jilibao's "brainwashing" of operators and franchisees not only has a significant effect, but is even more effective than public propaganda.

The reporter found that according to the staff of many Bulibao stores, Bulibao shoes are claimed to be "health care medical equipment" that can cure almost all diseases.

"Ordinary shoes are a means of transportation, while Bulibao is a health care and medical device." Staff at the Bulibao store said that from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, Bulibao solves the problems of "poison" and "blockage", thereby solving the "root cause" of all diseases.

Whether it is high blood pressure, diabetes or even colorectal cancer and other medical problems, they can be easily solved by the staff at these Bulibao stores.

The reporter saw from the tag hanging on a pair of Bulibao shoes that its manufacturer was Quanzhou Jianli Shoes Co., Ltd. in Fujian Province, and the product name was sports casual shoes. The reporter checked Quanzhou Jianli Shoes Co., Ltd. and found that the company also did not have any qualifications to produce health care products and medical products. It only produced ordinary shoes.

According to relevant regulations, ordinary commodities are not allowed to advertise any efficacy. But this does not seem to affect Bulibao's firm establishment of its "tall image".

On the online short video platform, Shi Yi, the president of Jilibao, who claims to be the vice president of the Shenzhen Smart Wear Industry Association and the leader of the smart wear discipline of the Circulation Professional Committee of the China Market Society, "proudly" declared: "We only took three years and four factories. In the first one, I solved the problem of electric field, in the second one, I solved the problem of magnetic field, in the third one, I solved the problem of wave field, and in the fourth one, I solved the problem of light."

Jilibao Company was established in February 2023. Why did Shi Yi say it took "3 years"?

The reporter found that before Jilibao Company, the Bulibao brand belonged to a company called "Shanxi Bulibao Health Technology Company". This company was established in 2020 and was once a company involved in the case. Judicial case information shows that on October 27, 2022, the Yuehu District Court of Yingtan City carried out property preservation execution against Shanxi Bulibao on the grounds of "administrative non-litigation" case.

Many online self-media outlets claimed that the bank account of Shanxi Bulibao Company was frozen because it was "suspected of pyramid selling." However, the reporter failed to verify this statement with Jilibao Company.

The visible result is that two months after the establishment of Jilibao Company, Shanxi Bulibao Company was cancelled on April 27, 2023, and the Bulibao brand was taken over by Jilibao Company.

Jilibao Company took over from Shanxi Bulibao Company and continued to "cut leeks" tirelessly. On the online short video platform, Jilibao President Shi Yi still confidently brainwashed his fans: "Bulibao in five years will be Huawei, Apple, and BYD today. In the field of smart wearables, he will definitely create a group of rich people and wealthy people in the future that are exactly the same as the real estate industry 20 years ago, and they may be among you."

Jilibao’s IQ tax may not be collected for much longer.

Reporters learned that in mid-July this year, the Bulibao store on Xianqian Street in Yuanbao District, Dandong City was investigated by the Yuanbao District Market Supervision Bureau for suspected false advertising and suspected pyramid schemes.

Source: Product Reliability Report
