
"Avoiding PwC", Guangzhou Bank's IPO still has no inquiries


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Author/Chen Bubai

Editor-in-Chief/Su Huai

Recently, Guangzhou Bank once again updated its prospectus. In addition to Guangzhou Bank, the other four Guangdong financial institutions queuing for A-shares also updated their materials on the same day.

As one of the four Guangdong banks still in the queue, like the other three, Guangzhou Bank's IPO progress is quite slow. According to the official website of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the acceptance date of Guangzhou Bank's IPO is March 3, 2023, and the update date is June 29, 2024. This means that after nearly a year and a half of acceptance, Guangzhou Bank's IPO has not seen any new progress.

Guangzhou Bank, formerly known as Guangzhou City Commercial Bank, was established in September 1996 on the basis of 46 urban credit cooperatives. Its major shareholder is Guangzhou Financial Holdings, and its actual controller is the Guangzhou Municipal Government. In 2023, Guangzhou Bank's asset size exceeded 800 billion yuan, ranking 112th in the 2024 list of the world's top 1000 banks released by the British magazine The Banker.

In the long race for IPO, although Guangzhou Bank successfully cut off the "problematic" coaching agency PricewaterhouseCoopers, its own problems such as the stalling of its retail business and high non-performing loan ratio are lingering pains.