
Is LuoBoKuaiPao testing on the road in Jinan? The local authorities have not approved the road testing of driverless taxis


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[Robot Kuaipao is testing on the road in Jinan? Local authorities: No approval for driverless taxis to be tested on the road] Cailian News Agency, August 9th. The news that "Robot Kuaipao has come to Jinan" has been circulating on the Internet platform a few days ago. Reporters learned from multiple sources that the "road test vehicle" discussed by netizens has a "Lu Q" license plate, not a local Jinan license plate. From the photos and videos provided by netizens, it can be seen that this new energy vehicle often appears on the Industrial North Elevated Road and Jinan's main urban roads. On the afternoon of August 8, the reporter contacted the Jinan Intelligent Connected Vehicle Road Testing and Demonstration Application Joint Conference Office. Relevant staff stated that road testing must be approved by the three departments of Industry and Information Technology, Transportation, and Public Security before testing can be carried out on designated roads. At present, no driverless car test notifications have been received, and driverless taxis have not been approved for road testing. (Poster News)