
"Super exciting" Dongcheng District's first 8.8 Sports Consumption Festival kicks off


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August 8 is the 16th National Fitness Day. The "Super Exciting" 2024 Dongcheng District's first "8.8" Sports Consumption Festival, co-organized by the Dongcheng District Sports Bureau and Dongcheng District Culture and Tourism Group, kicked off at Longtan Zhonghu Park on the same day.
The Dongcheng District's "8.8" Sports Consumption Festival will run throughout August, focusing on consumption areas such as sports, catering, culture and tourism, and night economy. It will bring together resources from the government, platforms, and merchants, and will be conducted in a combination of online and offline methods. It will use national fitness activities to stimulate sports consumption and lead the vigorous development of the sports industry.
At the opening ceremony, the fitness team performed the Health Qigong Eight-Section Brocade, which set off a warm atmosphere. At the scene, the winners of the "National Ball into the Community and Park" table tennis league were awarded trophies. "Longtan Zhonghu Park", "'Dongdan Youth' Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Table Tennis Competition", "From Hutong to Mountain Cycling Route", which were rated as the top ten sports tourism projects in Beijing, and "The Most Beautiful Sky, Enjoy Riding at Night", which was rated as a sports tourism boutique project in Beijing, were also awarded medals and certificates on the scene.
As the first Sports Consumption Festival in Dongcheng District, the content setting also has the characteristics of the district. In terms of online activities, the District Sports Bureau has set up a special discount zone for the "Dongcheng District 8.8 Sports Consumption Festival" and issued 1.5 million yuan in exclusive consumption coupons. From now until August 31, citizens can search for the "Beijing Sports Pass" applet, click on the "Dongcheng District 8.8 Sports Consumption Festival Discount Zone" link, enter the main venue of the event, and receive exclusive consumption coupons.
Offline activities are equally exciting. Relying on the venue resources of Longtan Zhonghu Park, this Sports Consumption Festival has set up areas such as "display and publicity area", "interactive experience area" and "on-site consumption area", covering fitness, sports rehabilitation display, bowling on-site experience, as well as promotional activities of district-level single sports associations and district sports venues. Offline pickleball teaching and other emerging sports projects bring new sports experiences to citizens. In addition, on the evenings of August 10 and 11, the park will have Ferris wheel concerts, charity film screenings, and cultural and creative, food stalls, etc.
Duan Yong, Party Secretary and Director of Dongcheng District Sports Bureau, said that the Paris Olympics is in full swing, which has further stimulated the enthusiasm of citizens to participate in sports. This sports consumption festival is a market-oriented attempt to integrate national fitness, cultural performances and commercial sales. "We launched the first '8.8' Sports Consumption Festival in Dongcheng District at Longtan Zhonghu Park. We hope to make good use of the local sports resources, develop our own brand, better provide citizens with rich, diverse, convenient and efficient sports services, and promote the high-quality development of the sports industry."