
Report and get a reward! Many places crack down on illegal eating and drinking by party members and cadres


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China News Service, Beijing, August 8(Li Jingtong) The Qinghai Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision announced on August 7 that, with the approval of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee, the Qinghai Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection decided to take nine measures to continue to thoroughly rectify the problem of party members and cadres' illegal eating and drinking.

These nine measures include starting from clarifying thoughts and understandings to break the "special theory", rewarding people who report violations of regulations on eating and drinking, insisting on regular reminders, insisting on quick investigation and severe punishment, insisting on investigating current cases and catching typical cases, insisting on investigating and addressing both corruption and style of work, insisting on three investigations for one case, publicly exposing the cases by name, and forming a joint supervisory force.

In addition to Qinghai, many provinces including Shanghai, Guangxi, Hainan, Gansu and Jiangsu have also recently carried out special rectification of illegal eating and drinking issues.

“Rewards will be given to whistleblowers when the case is filed for review and investigation”

Among the nine measures released this time, the first measure is to break the "special theory" in ideology and clarify the wrong perceptions such as "even if there is no merit in working in the plateau area, there is still hard work", "the standards can be lowered and requirements can be relaxed because of the difficult conditions", and "the local customs and practices should be treated leniently".

Secondly, the public is encouraged to report in real name. At the same time, discipline inspection and supervision agencies at all levels are required to open up channels for supervision and reporting, such as phone calls, visits, letters, online reports, and "code reporting" of illegal eating and drinking, and "for verified reports of illegal eating and drinking, rewards will be given to the reporters when the case is filed for review and investigation."

In addition to reports from the public, discipline inspection and supervision agencies at all levels are also required to strengthen coordination and collaboration with public security, market supervision and management departments, "using the investigation of drunk driving as a vehicle to conduct regular and unannounced inspections" to investigate current violations and catch typical cases.