
China Mobile distributes 51 billion yuan in dividends! Net profit in the first half of the year is 80.2 billion yuan, and the number of customers exceeds 1 billion


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On August 8, China Mobile (SH600941, stock price 103.94 yuan, market value 2.2 trillion yuan) released its 2024 semi-annual report and 2024 mid-term profit distribution plan.

In the first half of 2024,The company's operating income was 546.744 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3%; net profit attributable to shareholders was 80.201 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5.3%; Basic earnings per share was RMB 3.75.As of the end of June 2024, the company's total assets were 1,986.3 billion yuan, total liabilities were 637.7 billion yuan, and the company's asset-liability ratio was 32.1%.

In the first half of the year,The market income of people reached RMB2552100 million yuan; mobile customers exceeded10100 million households, net increase92610,000 households, including5GNetwork customers reached5.14100 million households, net increase0.49 100 million households, with a penetration rate of51.4%

At the same time, the company decided to distribute an interim dividend of HK$2.60 per share (including tax) for the six months ending June 30, 2024 to all shareholders, an increase of 7.0% year-on-year. As of June 30, 2024, the total number of shares of the company was 21.443 billion shares.A total interim dividend of HK$557.51 (tax included) will be distributed.

A-share dividends are paid in RMB, calculated based on the average of the midpoint exchange rate of HKD to RMB announced by the People's Bank of China one week before the Board of Directors declared the dividend, which is 1 HKD = 0.914962 RMB, and the amount is RMB 2.3789 per share (tax inclusive). The proportion of profit distributed in cash in 2024 to the profit attributable to shareholders in that year will further increase compared with 2023, continuing to create greater value for shareholders.

Based on this, the company will distribute a total interim dividend of approximately RMB 51.01 billion.

The company's official website shows that China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd. is a central enterprise established in 2000 in accordance with the overall deployment of the national telecommunications system reform, with a registered capital of 300 billion yuan and an asset scale of 2.4 trillion yuan.

The company has been rated A in the performance evaluation of central enterprise leaders by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission for 19 consecutive years, and has been rated as an enterprise with outstanding contributions to scientific and technological innovation by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission for two consecutive years.It has been listed in the Fortune Global 500 for 23 consecutive years and ranked 62nd in 2023.

In 2023, the company's operating income reached 1,009.3 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7.7%; net profit reached 131.8 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5.0%.

According to the "List of Central Enterprises" published by the State Council on November 23, 2023, China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd. is among them.

Daily Economic News is compiled from company announcements and public information

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Daily Economic News
