
Jiquan DC transmission capacity increased to 11 million kilowatts, 15 days ahead of last year


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China News Service Xinjiang News August 8 (Chen Kai) On August 6, it was learned from the State Grid Xinjiang Ultra-High Voltage Branch that starting from August 1, the Changji-Guquan ±1100 kV ultra-high voltage direct current transmission project (hereinafter referred to as "Jiquan DC") has increased its transmission power to 11 million kilowatts, with a daily power transmission of more than 200 million kilowatt-hours, 15 days ahead of last year.
Jiquan DC is the DC transmission project with the highest voltage level, the largest transmission capacity and the longest transmission distance in the world. The project has transmitted more than 60 billion kWh of electricity for three consecutive years, ranking first among the country's ultra-high voltage DC transmission projects. In 2022, the project's transmission power was increased to 11 million kilowatts for the first time, with a maximum daily transmission of 243.6 million kWh, setting a world record for the transmission power of DC transmission projects.
Since the beginning of summer, Xinjiang and East China have been affected by continuous high temperatures, and electricity consumption has increased significantly. State Grid Corporation of China has adhered to the "one chess game" of the whole country and played the role of large power grid resource allocation. This year, it has increased the load of Jiquan DC transmission twice, bundled Xinjiang's abundant coal power and clean energy such as wind power and solar energy for transmission, and alleviated the tense situation of power supply in East China to the greatest extent.
Yin Hongxia, Party Secretary of Changji Converter Station, said: "As the national power grid enters the peak summer stage, Changji Converter Station has gradually increased its transmission power. Since 20:00 on August 1, the transmission power has been increased to 11 million kilowatts. Xinjiang's abundant electric energy is being continuously transmitted to East China, further meeting the electricity demand in East China."
In the face of this load increase, in order to ensure the safe and stable operation of the Jiquan DC, State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Co., Ltd. evaluated and analyzed important data such as the integrated online monitoring of converter transformer non-electrical quantities, oil chromatography, and indoor DC field air conditioning to ensure the safe operation of the equipment.
According to Wang Quan, the person in charge of operation and inspection of Changji Converter Station, "In order to ensure the 11 million kilowatt high-load operating power, the company has established an emergency linkage mechanism and a station supervision mechanism, and organized operation and maintenance units, support units, equipment manufacturers, etc. to carry out live detection and joint special patrols, and strengthen equipment monitoring and data comparison. Special inspections and precise temperature measurements are carried out on core equipment such as converter transformers and converter valves, and reliability inspections are carried out on converter transformer oil chromatography devices, safety devices, fire protection equipment, and valve cooling equipment. An expert team is formed to thoroughly investigate, analyze, and control equipment defects and hidden dangers to ensure reliable operation of the equipment."
As of 0:00 on August 6, the Jiquan DC Project had transmitted a total of 287.247 billion kWh of electricity, and an annual power transmission of 38.789 billion kWh, an increase of 4.59% over the same period last year, equivalent to on-site conversion of 114.8988 million tons of standard coal and reduction of carbon dioxide emissions by 286.3852 million tons.
In the next step, the company will continue to strengthen production safety responsibilities at all levels, strictly implement supply guarantee measures in accordance with the peak summer power supply work plan, always be prepared for the full-power operation of the Jiquan DC, and ensure the continued safe and stable operation of the "Xinjiang Power Export" channel.