
Various large-scale model ecosystems will continue to emerge? How does AI drive industrial transformation?


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Beijing News Shell Finance (Reporter Sun Wenxuan) On August 6, Honor product manager stated at the Honor Developer Day Beijing Station that AI empowers the new service business ecosystem and drives changes in the hardware industry. At the same time, AI technology is giving birth to a new generation of human-computer interaction.
On the one hand, AI enables new service business ecosystems. In various scenarios in daily life (mobile office, smart travel, smart home, sports and health, audio and video entertainment, etc.), people will use a variety of application services or hardware devices. In today's AI situation, various large model ecosystems will continue to emerge.
On the other hand, AI will drive industrial transformation, including changes in terminal form factors, the emergence of new categories and forms, changes in device interconnection, multi-device scenario experience, and natural interaction.
Based on this, AI technology will give birth to a new generation of human-computer interaction. Traditional human-computer interaction relies more on people to remember the interaction steps and then operate step by step. The new generation of human-computer interaction - intention recognition interaction, relying on AI's powerful understanding ability, such as Honor Smart Service, can enable the device to perceive and understand human intentions, and then make a series of predictions, actively provide users with real-time and efficient services, allowing users to choose services, greatly reducing the complexity of using electronic devices and improving the user experience.
Based on the newly upgraded Honor MagicOS system, Honor Internet Services will be able to empower services and ecosystems through platform-level AI capabilities.
Proofread by Liu Baoqing