
Men have frequent urination and pain when urinating? Try not to ignore it, it may be an early symptom of AIDS. The sooner you know, the better.


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AIDS is a highly contagious sexually transmitted disease. It is transmitted through sexual intercourse, blood transmission and mother-to-child transmission. In daily life, if you do not pay attention to keeping yourself clean, you will be infected with HIV accidentally. This is HIV, which will directly destroy our immune system and induce various diseases. In the end, it is particularly easy to develop tumors. Therefore, we should learn to prevent AIDS in daily life, especially for men. If you are not careful in life, you are particularly susceptible to syphilis. Therefore, most of the AIDS infections are men. What are the symptoms of men after being infected with HIV? Many people do not have a comprehensive understanding. Today, follow the editor to learn about some early symptoms of AIDS. If you find and treat them in time at the early stage, there may be some probability that the treatment will be effective.

Men have frequent urination and pain when urinating? Try not to ignore it, it may be an early symptom of AIDS. The sooner you know, the better.

Symptom 1: Frequent and painful urination

After a man is infected with HIV, he will find some abnormal changes in the urethral opening. Redness and swelling may occur behind the urethra, and the urethral opening of men is particularly prone to secreting a large amount of foreign matter. As the disease progresses, most men will experience signs such as frequent urination and painful urination. Many people think that such symptoms may be some diseases of the urinary system, so they don't take it seriously. However, if a man is infected with HIV, it is actually very easy for these abnormal changes to occur in the urethral opening.