
The country declared permanent neutrality and hired the US military to manage the country in order to peacefully dismantle its own army.


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As we all know, every country hopes that its military strength will continue to grow, because only when the country's military strength is strong enough, foreign enemies will not dare to invade casually, so that it can protect its citizens. However, there is such a country in the real world, which has cut its own army and confidently declared that it will remain neutral forever, hoping to exchange for peace. Who is so confident? Let's take a look today.

This country is Costa Rica on the edge of the ocean. You may not know much about it, after all, it is just a small island country. This island country has less than five million residents and its territory is even smaller than Guangdong Province in my country. But such a weak country dared to give up its military construction to prove that it will always maintain a neutral attitude.