
Rongebang: Notice of Registration of “Full Circulation” of Domestic Unlisted Shares of Shenzhen Baiguoyuan Industrial (Group) Co., Ltd.


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Notice on the Registration of “Full Circulation” of Domestic Unlisted Shares of Shenzhen Baiguoyuan Industrial (Group) Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Baiguoyuan Industrial (Group) Co., Ltd.:

We have received the filing materials for the "full circulation" of your company's domestic unlisted shares. In accordance with the "Securities Law of the People's Republic of China", "Trial Measures for the Administration of Overseas Issuance and Listing of Securities by Domestic Enterprises", and "Business Guidelines for Application for "Full Circulation" of H-share Companies' Domestic Unlisted Shares", we hereby notify you of the filing matters as follows:

1. Six shareholders of your company intend to convert a total of 320,478,841 domestic unlisted shares held by them into overseas listed shares and list them on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The names of the shareholders and the number of shares to be converted are attached. Your company should strictly abide by relevant domestic and overseas laws, regulations and rules during the share conversion process.

2. If your company fails to complete the share conversion within 12 months from the date of issuance of this filing notice and intends to continue to advance it, it should update the filing materials.

This filing notice only confirms the company's "full circulation" filing information and does not indicate that the China Securities Regulatory Commission has made any substantive judgment or guarantee on the investment value of the company's securities or the returns of investors, nor does it indicate that the China Securities Regulatory Commission has made any guarantee or determination on the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the company's filing materials.