
Tong Ren Tang Medical Care enters the Hong Kong stock market, its hospitals are fined for illegal charges and attract attention | Hong Kong stock IPO


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Source: Times Investment Research

Author | Chen Che

Editor | Sun Yiming

As chain pharmacies and medical institutions that are related to the physical health of the people, whether they can effectively protect the rights and interests of consumers has always been a focus of social attention.

On June 28, the largest non-public Chinese medicine hospital group in China, Beijing Tong Ren Tang Medical Care Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Tong Ren Tang Medical Care"), applied for an IPO on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Its business includes chain drugstores and medical institutions.

It should be noted that the "Regulations on Supervision and Administration of Drug Operation and Use Quality" will be officially implemented on January 1, 2024, which means that the quality and safety supervision of drug operation and use will become more stringent, and the drug quality and operational compliance of chain pharmacies and medical institutions will become unavoidable topics.

Times Investment Research found that currently, Tong Ren Tang Medical Care and China Beijing Tong Ren Tang (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Tong Ren Tang Group") share the " Tong Ren Tang"Trademark. With the market popularity of this trademark, Tongrentang Medical Care quickly opened up the market. However, in the past few years, Tongrentang Group and its subsidiaries have been punished many times, and even received a sky-high fine of more than 10 million yuan at one time, which has caused a certain blow to the brand reputation of "Tongrentang".