
G7 Yiliu adheres to technology and data-driven approach to help improve safety management in hazardous chemicals industry


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Safety is the core lifeline of the hazardous chemicals transportation industry. Recently, frequent safety accidents and edible oil mixed loading incidents have highlighted the management deficiencies of hazardous chemicals transportation companies. In the face of this challenge, improving safety management and ensuring transportation safety have become urgent needs for the development of the industry.
G7 Yiliu, as a company that has been deeply engaged in IoT software services for more than ten years, has always been close to the forefront of the industry, listening to the needs of freight operators, and promoting industry progress with the support of technology and data.
In order to further strengthen the safety management of hazardous chemicals transportation, G7 Yiliu recently held a seminar at its Beijing headquarters, inviting representatives from several industry benchmark companies. The meeting focused on how to refine safety management to every transportation route, every transportation task, and every driver to ensure that the transportation of hazardous chemicals is safe and controllable throughout the entire process.
At the seminar, G7's safety technology experts taught participants strategies to improve the safety management of hazardous chemicals transportation. They emphasized that it is crucial to closely integrate the digitalization of safety management with operations, and the implementation of the "one post, two responsibilities" system is the key to ensuring clear safety responsibilities. This system helps to clearly define the safety responsibilities of managers and employees at all levels and create a culture of full participation in safety management. In addition, G7 also demonstrated how to use big data technology to optimize transportation route planning, identify potential risk points, and provide cost-effective navigation services, aiming to significantly reduce safety risks while improving transportation efficiency.
During the interactive session of the seminar, representatives of benchmark hazardous chemical companies from all over the country spoke and had in-depth discussions with the G7 Yiliu Research Team on how to implement safety management on every route, every mission, and every driver. They put forward many valuable opinions and suggestions, such as providing risk maps and customizing risk sections, achieving compliance matching and daily effective management of people, vehicles and goods, optimizing the closed loop of safety management and electronic inspection functions, etc. These suggestions provide new ideas and directions for the safety management of hazardous chemical transportation.
Safety is implemented on every line
The discussion on implementing safety on every route was particularly heated. Enterprise representatives agreed that providing risk maps and allowing enterprises to customize risky sections is a very practical function. This will help drivers to more clearly understand the potential risks in the transportation process and take preventive measures in advance. At the same time, the economic route planning function has also been widely praised. Enterprises can find the most economical transportation route based on their own route cost standards, including ETC fees, fuel consumption, employee salary sharing, etc., thereby reducing operating costs and improving overall benefits.
Safety is implemented in every mission
When discussing how to implement safety in every mission, the representatives emphasized the importance of achieving compliance with regulations for people, vehicles and goods. Only by ensuring that all personnel, vehicles and goods involved in transportation comply with relevant laws and regulations and standards can the safety of the transportation process be fundamentally guaranteed. In addition, strengthening the daily effective management and inspection of people, vehicles and goods is also an indispensable link. Through regular inspections and maintenance, potential safety hazards can be discovered and eliminated in a timely manner to ensure the smooth progress of transportation tasks.
Safety is implemented for every driver
In terms of driver management, representatives said that driver management is a key link in improving the level of safety management, and G7 Yiliu also proposed an innovative solution. Through equipment monitoring driver behavior and establishing a scoring system (driver's traffic light management system), driver management can be refined. This system can comprehensively record the driver's driving behavior, operating specifications, and driving habits, and give a comprehensive score to the driver based on these data. The scoring results will serve as an important basis for driver rewards and punishments, training, and freight rate setting, thereby further stimulating the driver's enthusiasm for complying with safety regulations and improving driving skills.
At the final stage of the seminar, G7 listened carefully to the actual needs of customers and reached a consensus with enterprise representatives on the key needs of safety management of hazardous chemical transportation enterprises. In the future, G7 will continue to polish its products from the perspective of customer needs and provide customers with more business-oriented, professional and reliable services. We believe that with the joint efforts of both parties, the safety management level of hazardous chemical transportation will be further improved, providing strong guarantees for the sustainable and healthy development of the industry.
The successful conclusion of the seminar brought a new perspective of refined and digital safety management to the hazardous chemicals transportation industry.
In the future, G7 will continue to explore innovative practices in the chemical industry with its partners and strive to improve the safety management capabilities of hazardous chemical transportation. We believe that through joint efforts, G7 can help freight operators maintain their leading position in the industry and promote the safety management of the entire hazardous chemical transportation industry to a higher standard.