
Brother Quan Hongchan responded to the controversy over live streaming: Solving the problem of unsalable agricultural products for the villagers


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(Source: Red Star News)

Sohu Entertainment News: At 21:00 on the evening of August 6, Beijing time, Quan Hongchan participated in the women's 10-meter diving platform final at the Aquatic Center of the Paris Olympic Games. In recent years, Quan Hongchan's elder brother Quan Jinhua has become a live broadcaster of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, selling local specialty fruits in Zhanjiang. Quan Hongchan's mother is also often in the broadcast, and the whole family's live broadcast of selling goods has also aroused doubts from many netizens.

On July 31, Quan Jinhua told reporters in an interview with the media that he was a chef before. Agricultural products in his hometown often had the problem of unsalability. He created an account to live-stream and sell goods in the hope of solving this problem for his fellow villagers through his own efforts.

Tianyancha App shows that Quan Jinhua has a total of 1 company under his name, Quanru Fruit and Vegetable Store in Mazhang District, Zhanjiang City. It was established in November 2021. It is an individual business household with a capital of 30,000 yuan. Its business scope includes fresh fruit retail, fresh vegetable retail, agricultural and sideline products sales, and aquatic product retail.