
The seven most valuable currencies in the world, see how much they are worth in RMB


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There are many currencies in the world, and if you ask which currency is the most valuable, many people may say it is the US dollar. After all, the United States is the most powerful country in the world. The exchange units of many currencies in the world are based on the US dollar as the first exchange unit, so people have an illusion that the US dollar is the most valuable currency in the world. However, the real situation is not like this. Although the US dollar is the common currency for trade among countries in the world, it is not the most valuable currency. So today let's take a look at the seven most valuable currencies in the world. Maybe you haven't even heard of the names of some of them. Of course, for convenience, we will use the RMB as the exchange rate to compare and see how much they are worth in RMB.

The first is the Euro, which is the currency used within the European Union. One Euro is approximately equal to RMB 7.88. This is also due to the fact that the European Union is a gathering place for developed countries in the world. The second is the Swiss franc. Switzerland is the country with the highest per capita income in the world. Due to its long-term adherence to neutrality, its economy has not been destroyed in the world wars. This also leads to the high value of the Swiss franc. Usually, one Swiss franc is approximately equal to RMB 6.84.