
The Eastern Theater Command released "Battle of the Seas", Lai Qingde also released a MV saying he would never back down, and Ma Ying-jeou angrily rebuked


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The Taiwan military messed up the "Han Kuang" exercise, but they still want to use propaganda films to embolden themselves?

Let me start with something interesting. On August 1 this year, the Chinese People's Liberation Army celebrated its 97th anniversary. To celebrate the occasion, the Eastern Theater Command released a MV titled "Battle of the Seas," which received rave reviews.

As a result, Taiwan, across the strait, was not to be outdone.He immediately released his so-called "Never Back Down" propaganda film. When comparing the two sides, Lai Qingde is just "imitating others".. This back and forth actually added a lot of laughter to us.

What tricks are the Taiwan military playing? Don't make me laugh!

Taiwan’s defense department has invested a lot of money this time. This 1 minute and 8 second video is based on the Taiwan military’s "Han Kuang Exercise" and live-fire shooting missions. With the low background music and the sound of artillery fire, it makes people "excited".

However, do you think that the gorgeous CG special effects of this kind of game can fool people? Wake up, the reality is much more cruel than this.

Take the Han Kuang Exercise for example: As soon as Lai Qingde came to power, he boasted that this was the military exercise "closest to actual combat in history." What was the result?