
A total of 137 places were allocated by lottery. The lottery results for the first-grade compulsory students of Haikou Shangao Experimental School were announced.


한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina reported on August 7 (Reporter Wang Kangjing, text/Wang Wei, photo) On the morning of August 7, the lottery allocation for first-grade primary school places at Shangao Experimental School in Longhua District, Haikou City was carried out at Haikou Binhai Central Kindergarten.

The lottery scene. Photo by reporter Wang Wei

It is understood that according to the spirit of the "Implementation Rules for the 2024 Compulsory Education School Enrollment in Longhua District, Haikou City", as of August 6, there were 185 new students who applied for first-grade places in Shangao Experimental School, Longhua District, Haikou City on the Haikou City Enrollment Platform. After the review of the materials, a total of 167 people met the conditions, including 13 people who met the direct admission conditions of the preferential education policy in the enrollment rules. Shangao Experimental School, Longhua District, Haikou City plans to enroll 150 first-grade compulsory students. After excluding the 13 people who met the direct admission conditions of the preferential policy, there are 137 places available for allocation, and 154 new students can participate in the lottery, including 5 pairs of twins.

Notary office staff check the lottery results on site. Photo by reporter Wang Wei

The Education Bureau of Longhua District, Haikou City organized school representatives, notary office personnel, lawyer representatives, media and other parties to conduct the 2024 Haikou Longhua District Shangao Experimental School first-grade compulsory students lottery at Haikou Binhai Central Kindergarten at 9:30 am on August 7, 2024.

Representatives from all walks of life signed the lottery results. Photo by reporter Wang Wei

"At the scene, under the joint supervision and witness of the Longhua District Education Bureau, notaries, school representatives, lawyers, etc., a list of 137 candidates for admission (including 3 pairs of twins) was randomly allocated through a computer system. We will announce the list of candidates for admission and make it public to the society, which effectively ensures the fairness and justice of the entire lottery process." Zhu Junwen, a staff member of the Basic Education Section of the Longhua District Education Bureau of Haikou City, said that students who registered for the first-grade compulsory student lottery at Shangao Experimental School but failed to win will be arranged to enter the school according to regulations.

The notary office staff read out the lottery process and results on site, saying they were legal and compliant. Photo by reporter Wang Wei

