
The kick-off meeting for the formulation of the group standard "Yubei District E-commerce Live Streaming Talent Training Guidelines" was held


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Recently, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security officially added online anchor as a new national profession. According to the "China Network Audiovisual Development Research Report (2024)", it is expected that there will be a huge talent gap in my country's live broadcast industry by 2025. In order to keep up with the national call and help the Yubei e-commerce industry accelerate, on August 5, the "Yubei District E-commerce Live Broadcast Talent Training Guide" group standard formulation work launch meeting jointly organized by Yixiangyipin (Chongqing) Digital Economy Technology Co., Ltd. and Chongqing Yubei District Electronic Information Industry Chamber of Commerce was successfully held at the China Yixiangyipin Digital Economy Innovation Base.
At the launch meeting, Dong Chunsong, Assistant Vice President of the China National Trade Promotion Association and Director of the Standardization Working Committee, attended the meeting online and introduced the preliminary work of the group standard "Yubei District E-commerce Live Talent Training Guide" and the overall requirements for standard formulation. Yang Chen, the second-level senior organizer of the Yubei District Market Supervision Bureau, Deng Zong, vice chairman of the Yubei District Federation of Industry and Commerce, and relevant field leaders, as well as a number of e-commerce industry experts and e-commerce enterprise representatives, conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on standard policies, framework structures, and regulatory content. Enterprise representatives also put forward opinions and suggestions on the actual problems they are facing at this stage, laying the foundation for the standard to lead and regulate.
Subsequently, Yue Lei, Secretary-General of the Electronic Information Industry Chamber of Commerce of Yubei District, Chongqing, and Feng Yuyao, Director of the Standard Certification and Testing Department of Yixiangyipin (Chongqing) Digital Economy Technology Co., Ltd., signed the contract on behalf of both parties. The two parties will cooperate on standards to help the e-commerce industry achieve healthy, sustainable and high-quality development, and actively move closer to and effectively empower Chongqing's "33618" industrial cluster system.
Finally, Xiang Ze, director of the Chongqing Management Committee of China Minmao, announced the official launch of the group standard formulation work of the "Yubei District E-commerce Live Talent Training Guide" and delivered a speech. After the meeting, experts and project teams focused on the current situation of Yubei District's e-commerce live talent, bottleneck problems and subsequent development plans, and went to the China One Village One Product (Chongqing) New Digital Media Product Broadcasting Operation Center and Bola Video Base to conduct on-site research, conduct in-depth investigations and demonstrations, and widely solicit opinions to ensure the scientificity, standardization and timeliness of the standards.
On-site investigation of China One Village One Product (Chongqing) New Digital Media Product Broadcasting Operation Center
It is understood that since its preparation, the group standard of "Yubei District E-commerce Live Streaming Talent Training Guidelines" has received strong support from the Yubei District Market Supervision Bureau, Yubei District Federation of Industry and Commerce and other departments, as well as relevant industry experts. The leading unit actively coordinates with relevant companies and individual representatives, and is committed to jointly promoting the e-commerce industry to achieve higher-quality development with higher standards, more standardized coordination, and better services, and contribute to the transformation and upgrading of regional characteristic industries, the improvement of industry levels, and the construction of regional public brands.