
The efforts to purchase and store existing commercial housing are expected to be further increased, and the real estate sector may have expectations


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In the morning of August 7, A shares opened slightly lower and then maintained a narrow range of fluctuations. The real estate sector led the decline in the morning. The real estate ETF fund (515060) corrected today and is now down nearly 1.5%. Among the holdings, Wantong Development, Huitong Energy, Hualian Shares, Savills, Gree Real Estate, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech and other stocks were among the top gainers.

Recently, a high-level meeting emphasized the active support for the acquisition of existing commercial housing for use as affordable housing, which was the first time in the content of the high-level meeting. It is expected that the scope of acquisition and storage in various places will gradually expand and the implementation speed will be accelerated. On July 31, the "Five-Year Action Plan for Deeply Implementing the People-oriented New Urbanization Strategy" was issued, which made arrangements for the overall requirements, key tasks, policy measures and organizational implementation of promoting the construction of new urbanization in the next five years.

Founder Securities believes that the high-level meeting emphasized the need to implement the new real estate policy, further ensure the delivery of housing, and actively support the acquisition and storage work (capital support is expected to increase, and the conditions for acquisition and storage may be relaxed). Under this tone, the policy is expected to be released faster. At the same time, the capital market generally has low expectations for the sector, and the fundamentals have improved significantly recently, so the sector rebound has the basis and logic.

Public information shows that the CSI All-Share Real Estate Index tracked by the Real Estate ETF Fund (515060) includes real estate leaders such as Vanke, Poly Developments, and China Merchants Shekou, and has a comprehensive layout in real estate development, management, services and other industries.

Daily Economic News
