
The nationwide SME service network has launched over 6 billion yuan in preferential subsidy coupons and service packages


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Small and medium-sized enterprises are the main force in the national economic and social development, and play an important role in promoting growth, ensuring employment, invigorating the market, and improving people's livelihood. However, lack of people, money and technology are also common problems faced by the vast majority of small and medium-sized enterprises in my country.

Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology officially launched the China SME Service Network (hereinafter referred to as the "Service Network"), covering 31 provincial platforms and 169 prefecture (city) platforms, forming a national SME service platform network for the first time. Since then, the "offline network" of more than 1,780 SME public service institutions in my country will promote the "two networks in one" with the "online network", and jointly help SMEs improve their core competitiveness.

Jin Zhuanglong, Minister of Industry and Information Technology, stressed at the meeting that we should take the launch of the service as an opportunity to better gather various service resources, support policies that benefit enterprises, an environment that invigorates enterprises, services that help enterprises, innovation that strengthens enterprises, and talents that thrive in enterprises, and help enterprises reduce costs, improve quality, and increase efficiency. We should deliver policy, technology, management, and service resources to the "last mile."

Policies, orders, financing and other services are all included in one package

The current external environment is becoming more complex, severe and uncertain, and the foundation for the domestic economy to recover is still unstable. Small, medium and micro enterprises are still generally facing problems such as weak demand, rising costs and overdue accounts receivable. The China Small and Medium Enterprise Development Index shows that in the second quarter of 2024, the small and medium-sized enterprise development index was 89.0, down 0.3 points from the first quarter, higher than the same period in 2022, and the same as the same period in 2023.

Among them, in the second quarter, the macroeconomic sentiment index reflecting corporate confidence was 98.6, down 0.3 points from the previous month; the market index was 80.8, down 0.4 points from the previous month; and the capital index was 100.8, down 0.2 points from the previous month, still above the critical value of 100 for prosperity.

In order to help SMEs solve urgent problems, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has continuously issued relevant policies to help SMEs solve their difficulties. The newly launched SME service network has also become another important carrier to support the high-quality development of SMEs.

A reporter from 21st Century Business Herald opened the website ( and saw that the "Service Network" includes multiple functional sections such as finding policies, services, talents, courses, markets, funds, computing power, and services, all of which are closely related to the operation of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Among them, in the "finance search" section, not only can you browse the loan interest rates and financing quotas of major banks in the country in one stop, but you can also directly submit loan applications. The "handling of affairs" section brings together more than ten channels for handling affairs related to small and medium-sized enterprises, such as "online tax handling", "online declaration of enterprise registration", and "patent business handling", and is accompanied by links to local government service networks. The "find talents" and "find training" sections also provide functions such as publishing recruitment information and displaying free enterprise training courses.

On the homepage, there are eight self-test services, including specialized, sophisticated and innovative "little giants", "specialized, sophisticated and innovative" SMEs, enterprise scale type, enterprise policy matching, high-tech enterprises, technology-based SMEs, enterprise trademark registration, and enterprise trademark risks. Through self-testing, enterprises can also be quickly positioned to find matching policies.

"For 'specialized, refined, special and innovative' enterprises, how to solve the problem of initial growth funds and how to effectively support their growth and development funds are the two most difficult stages." Huo Xuewen, Party Secretary and Chairman of Bank of Beijing, explained why SMEs have always been blocked by "difficult financing". Bank of Beijing is currently the first and exclusive bank to participate in the financing self-testing service of the China SME Service Network.

In Huo Xuewen's view, the financing difficulty can be broken down into three "asymmetries". The first is the information asymmetry between the financing enterprise and the bank. The second is the asymmetry between the financial language of the financial institution and the technical language of the enterprise. The third is the asymmetry of credit and trust. For banks, it is difficult to make a comprehensive, objective and accurate evaluation of the performance of the enterprise.

The launch of the "One Network" has solved the "asymmetric" problems in the above three aspects. For the banking system, it has a unified evaluation system for the operating conditions and risk assessment of small and medium-sized enterprises; for small and medium-sized enterprises, it saves the extra time and labor costs required in the financing process, and can focus more on the business itself. The implementation of financial policies has also been achieved with the help of the "One Network" to achieve "rules to follow" throughout the entire process, and the implementation process is smoother.

Huo Xuewen added that for small and medium-sized enterprises, obtaining financial support from the website can also help them improve their credibility and form a virtuous circle of financing.

The first batch of service providers provided 6 billion yuan of services to benefit enterprises

At present, my country has established more than 1,780 public service institutions for small and medium-sized enterprises at the national, provincial, municipal and county levels, basically forming a public service system for small and medium-sized enterprises covering the whole country. However, there are still problems such as insufficient resource integration and inconvenient access to services for enterprises.

Establishing a "one network" and providing "one-stop" services is a common expectation of small and medium-sized enterprises. In fact, in 2023, the work of "one network" was already in preparation.

In November 2023, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Guiding Opinions on Improving the Public Service System for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises", which clearly proposed to establish a national "one network" for small and medium-sized enterprises to provide "one-stop" services for small and medium-sized enterprises. It also proposed that by 2025, the public service forces of small and medium-sized enterprises at all levels will be strengthened, the service capabilities and quality and efficiency of national and provincial small and medium-sized enterprise public service institutions will be significantly improved, and the demonstration effect will be significantly enhanced. The coverage of the municipal and county-level small and medium-sized enterprise public service system will be steadily expanded and the service capabilities will be steadily improved. Service resources will be effectively integrated, and a "one-stop" service platform that is horizontally connected, vertically connected, conveniently shared, and ubiquitously accessible will be basically built, and a service enterprise model with direct policy access, direct service, and direct appeal will be gradually formed.

"More than 1,780 public service institutions for small and medium-sized enterprises have been established at the national, provincial, municipal and county levels. This is an offline 'network' serving small and medium-sized enterprises. Today, we will open an online 'network'. We must vigorously promote the integration of the two networks and two-way interaction, deliver policy, technology, management and service resources to the 'last mile', and help small and medium-sized enterprises strengthen their health and enhance their core competitiveness." Jin Zhuanglong, Minister of Industry and Information Technology, emphasized four key words for small and medium-sized enterprises at the meeting: service, management, development and assistance. He proposed to adhere to the balance of service and management, and development and assistance.

The 21st Century Business Herald learned that the service network has gathered more than 200 million bidding information, more than 190 million business entity information, more than 150,000 provincial and ministerial policy documents, more than 40,000 recruitment information, more than 300 inspection and testing and technology achievement transformation institutions, and more than 200 financial products. At the same time, the service network has completed the connection with the existing prefecture (city) and above SME service platforms across the country, covering 31 provincial platforms and 169 prefecture (city) platforms.

At the same time as the service network was launched, there was also a 6 billion yuan gift package prepared for small and medium-sized enterprises. The service network jointly launched the "Benefiting Enterprises and Profits" service action with six service agencies including Bank of Communications, Inspur,, Tencent, Kingdee, and 360. This time, preferential subsidy coupons and service packages with a total value of more than 6 billion yuan were released. Small and medium-sized enterprises can choose the solutions they need and receive coupons from different companies.

According to reports, the services provided by these six companies mainly involve business procurement, financing and loans, digital transformation, cloud computing, information security, etc. They all aim to solve the problem of "unwilling to transform, afraid to transform, and unable to transform" in the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Zhao Maohua, general manager of Kingdee Software (China) Co., Ltd. Beijing Branch, told 21st Century Business Herald that Kingdee has actively responded to the call for "enterprises to contribute a little, service providers to give a little, and the government to subsidize a little" for digital transformation, and issued "Digital Transformation City Cloud Coupons" to small and medium-sized enterprises in the digital transformation field, and provided one-stop "small, fast, light and accurate" products and solutions for research, production, supply, marketing and services to better assist small and medium-sized enterprises in their digital transformation and promote the deep integration of their digital economy and real economy.

Hu Zhenquan, president of 360 Digital Security Technology Group Co., Ltd., said that it will provide lower-cost products for small and medium-sized enterprises to solve the security problems they face in the process of digital transformation. At the same time, it will explore the application of artificial intelligence to help enterprises improve quality, reduce costs and increase efficiency.

"We have conducted statistics on the situation in a certain province and found that 73% of small and medium-sized enterprises have a digital transformation level below level 2, which means that nearly 30% of small and medium-sized enterprises have not even carried out digital transformation." Pang Songtao, vice president of Inspur Group and vice chairman and general manager of Inspur Yunzhou Industrial Internet, told 21st Century Business Herald that the stages of digital transformation are divided into four levels. Level 1 is the digitization of a single device, level 2 is equivalent to the ability of the device to be networked and interconnected, and level 3 and above are the levels of intelligence.

Pang Songtao believes that the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises is driven by orders. If you want to quickly obtain orders, you must improve the coordination and rapid response capabilities of the industrial chain and supply chain. "It's like an 'I-shaped model'. The upper horizontal line represents the coordination of the industrial chain and supply chain, the middle vertical line represents intelligent production, and the lower horizontal line represents the industrial digital infrastructure." This also means that we must consolidate the digital infrastructure of the industry to promote intelligent production in enterprises.

Jin Zhuanglong pointed out that building a service network for small and medium-sized enterprises is an important measure to build a high-quality and efficient service system and support the high-quality development of small and medium-sized enterprises. It is necessary to open up the network as soon as possible to truly create a very good environment for small and medium-sized enterprises.

In the future, "this network" will continue to be enriched. 21st Century Business Herald also learned at the meeting that in terms of product richness, in the future, a database of small and medium-sized enterprises, a database of laws and policies, a database of service agencies, and a database of service product cases will be built, and efforts will be made to strengthen the construction of testing and certification, computing power support, financial support, and scientific and technological achievement transformation capabilities.