
How is the performance of the Taiwan military’s "Yushan", which was commissioned in June last year and made its first patrol to Taiping Island?


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[Global Times Special Correspondent Chen Yang] Taiwan's United Daily News reported on the 6th that the "Yushan" dock transport ship, which was commissioned by the Taiwan Navy in June last year, arrived at Taiping Island in the Nansha Islands for the first time on the 5th, accompanied by the "Chenggong" class frigate. Previously, the Taiwan "Coast Guard Administration" patrol and rescue ship "Chiayi" had also docked at the island, making it a rare scene in recent years that three ships gathered at Taiping Island. Taiwan's "Maritime Affairs Council Chairperson" Guan Biling originally planned to take the Taiwan Air Force's C-130 transport plane on the 6th to inspect the newly built dock facilities on Taiping Island, but "cancelled due to weather factors."

According to reports, the Yushan dock transport ship arrived at Taiping Island for the first time on the 5th, but because there was no tugboat to assist in berthing at the newly built dock and it was unfamiliar with the route to the port, it remained moored in the waters outside the dock. Only several new mechanized landing craft on board the ship moored at the dock. The Yushan ship's trip was to supply and transport ammunition to Taiping Island, and to transport ammunition and weapons and equipment damaged by age and humidity on the island back to Taiwan for repair. The Taiwan Coast Guard Administration's new patrol and rescue ship, the Chiayi, arrived at Taiping Island ahead of schedule on August 3, carrying accompanying personnel and related facilities.

The Yushan entered service in June last year and is one of the largest main battleships in active service in the Taiwan Navy. It is 153 meters long and 23 meters wide, with a full load displacement of more than 10,000 tons and a maximum speed of more than 20 knots. It has a stealth configuration and a flooding dock at the stern for amphibious vehicles and ships to perform amphibious missions. The ship is also equipped with sufficient self-defense weapons, including one MK-75 naval gun, two close-in defense guns, and four 8-barrel self-made "Sea Sword II"Anti-aircraft missilesIn addition to carrying out traditional amphibious combat missions, it can also take off and land anti-submarine helicopters, making it a rare "all-rounder" among Taiwan's naval vessels. The United Daily News noted that the Yushan is equipped with field hospital facilities, and the 4,000-ton Chiayi also has the same level of medical facilities. Therefore, the Taiwan authorities' intention to create the implication of "humanitarian rescue" in the South China Sea through this trip is obvious. The report said, "Now that three Taiwanese military and police ships have gathered on Taiping Island, it is still rare on the island."

Taiping Island, which is guarded by the Taiwan authorities, is 1,600 kilometers away from Kaohsiung Port. There is water on the island, and there are Taiping simple airports, docks, lighthouses and other facilities. The island is home to the Taiwan Coast Guard Nansha Command, the Taiwan Air Force Taiping Detachment, the Taiwan Navy Meteorological Station and other units, with more than 400 troops stationed on the island, and 40mm anti-aircraft guns, 20mm machine guns, 81mm and 120mm anti-aircraft guns deployed.MortarAs well as weapons such as "Red Falcon" rockets, underground ammunition depots and aviation and marine oil depots.

China Times News Network said that the Taiwan authorities are in a dilemma on how to view the Taiping Island issue. As the South China Sea dispute has attracted increasing attention, calls have been heard on the island to strengthen the defense of Taiping Island. Against this background, Taiping Island has successively completed the renovation of the dock and the extension of the airport runway. A research report by a US think tank assessed that the length of the existing airport runway on Taiping Island can accommodate the take-off and landing of F-16 fighters and C-130 transport aircraft, and can also accommodate the take-off and landing of P-3 anti-submarine aircraft. Although the runway specifications are still simple runways, navigation lights have been added in recent years to enable night take-off and landing. Two sets of oil storage tanks and related equipment such as oil transportation and refueling are also set up on the island. If the runway of the Taiping Island base is further extended, all existing fighter jets of the Taiwan military will be able to take off and land on Taiping Island. At the same time, the dock of Taiping Island has also been expanded on a large scale to accommodate 4,000-ton frigates.

However, the pressure from the United States on the South China Sea issue has made the DPP authorities "timid" on the Taiping Island issue. The United Daily News said that the Ma Ying-jeou administration attaches great importance to the construction of Taiping Island. Despite opposition from the United States, Ma Ying-jeou personally visited the island before leaving office and sent a 100-ton rescue patrol boat equipped with artillery and water cannon to be stationed there. After Tsai Ing-wen came to power, she withdrew the 100-ton patrol boat stationed on Taiping Island on the grounds of insufficient garrison equipment, leaving only a 10-ton multi-purpose patrol boat on the island.

The report also mentioned that during the Tsai Ing-wen administration, in 2016, a delegation led by then-Interior Minister Yeh Jun-jung and Coast Guard Administration Director Lee Chung-wei flew to Taiping Island. "Since then, due to the US's concern about the situation in the South China Sea, it has not sent 'central government officials' to the island again." In May this year, a number of blue and white "legislators" on the island formed an inspection team to visit Taiping Island, which was regarded as "the first 'legislator' inspection team to visit Taiping Island in nearly a decade." However, not only did no one from the Democratic Progressive Party participate, but they also criticized the inspection as "boosting the mainland and causing trouble for the Taiwan authorities." "Chairman of the Ocean Affairs Council" Guan Bi-ling originally planned to take a Taiwan Air Force C-130 transport plane to Taiping Island on the 6th to inspect the auxiliary facilities and defense conditions of the dock. It was originally considered to be the first time that the Lai Ching-te administration sent "central government officials" to visit the island. But Guan Bi-ling said on the 6th that the trip to the island was canceled "due to weather factors."