
Spy drama "Lonely Boat" premieres: Zhang Songwen plays the spy chief with three identities! Who is the traitor?


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Zhang SongwenZeng ShunxiThe spy drama "Lonely Boat" starring him has started airing. How are the actors performing? Let's judge together~

By Zhang Songwen, Zeng Shunxi,Zhang FengyiThe spy drama "Lonely Boat" starring Wang Xueqi and others premiered, and I couldn't stop watching 4 episodes in a row! It is worthy of being written and directed by Lin Lisheng, the screenwriter of "The Hidden". The plot is ups and downs, and the group drama is vivid. It has the flavor of "The Hidden"!

1、 The underground party’s rescue operation completely failed. Who is the traitor “Cell No. 8”?

The anti-Japanese spy war drama "Lonely Boat" finally got rid of the most commonly used background location of anti-Japanese spy war dramas, "Den 76" in Shanghai, and instead set the background of the story in Suzhou.

The Wang Puppet Suzhou Special Agent Station, which was known as the "Devil's Cave No. 90" at that time.

The play tells the story of the underground party members' struggle against the Wang Puppet spies and Japanese spies in the No. 90 Demon Cave.

The story begins with the underground party's iron-blooded action group discussing how to rescue comrades who were captured by Agent No. 90 and detained in Yiyuan.

Gu Yizhong (played by Zeng Shunxi), the son of a prominent family in Suzhou who has returned from studying abroad, and his childhood sweetheart Xiao Ruotong (played by Wang Yuwen) are members of the underground party.

Gu Yizhong, who studied architecture, drew a blueprint of Yiyuan for the group, but they couldn't understand it, so Gu Yizhong volunteered to lead the way and insisted on taking part in the rescue operation.

However, they did not expect that the operation had been exposed long ago, and they fell into a trap set by Zhou Zhifei, the chief of Suzhou Special Agent Station.

Except for Gu Yizhong who was captured and Xiao Ruotong who did not participate in the rescue operation and was waiting outside in a car and escaped, all the others were killed in the battle.

Gu Yizhong was beaten up badly by Zhou Zhifei's subordinate Zhang Jiping (played by Sun Bin) (Gong Shu, you are getting more and more cruel), but he was also a tough guy and refused to give in.

Japanese military adviser Kondo Masao has always wanted to persuade the old man of the Gu family, Gu Xixing (played by Zhang Fengyi), to become a traitor. However, old man Gu is a tough guy who participated in the Northern Expedition and served as a division commander. Of course, he cannot be a traitor. He has always stayed indoors and refused in a roundabout way.

Kondo Masao wanted to use the fact that Gu Yizhong was an underground party member to threaten Mr. Gu, but he still failed.

So Zhou Zhifei made a plan and decided to pretend to execute Gu Yizhong, but actually let him go on purpose. Then he followed the clues and found the base of the New Fourth Army's Sixth Division in Taihu Lake.

Gu Yizhong's sister Gu Huizhong and brother-in-law Hu Zhiping were also underground party members, but they were also attacked by the enemy.

When Hu Zhiping was meeting with the "Eagle", he was also ambushed by Wang Puppet's spies.

Gu Yizhong, Xiao Ruotong, Gu Huizhong and Hu Zhiping, led by the liaison officer's family, took a boat back to the base. On the lake, they were chased by spies and devils sent by Kondo Masao and No. 90 deputy station chief Huang Xinzhai. The liaison officer sacrificed himself to allow them to return to the base smoothly under the cover of heavy fog.

So, who was it that betrayed the underground party’s actions time and time again?

At this time, "Eagle" appeared. It turned out that his real name was Zhou Zhenwu. He took out the newspaper left by Duan Wentao (the undercover of the underground party in No. 90) before his death. Duan Wentao wrote the nine words "There is a traitor No. 8 cell inside" in code before his death.

Who is "Cell No. 8"?

Gu Yizhong and his sister are definitely not, and Xiao Ruotong is not either, so,“Cell No. 8” is either Zhou Zhenwu or Hu Zhiping!

I feel that Hu Zhiping is more suspicious!

Because back then, his job was introduced by Mr. Gu, but he fell in love with his student, Mr. Gu's daughter Gu Huizhong, and the two eloped despite Mr. Gu's opposition!

Hu Zhiping's personal ethics and character are really bad. It is very likely that he is the traitor!

2、 Zhang Songwen plays a spy chief with a complex identity and inner heart, and will recreate the classic

Zhang Songwen plays Zhou Zhifei, the stationmaster of the No. 90 Demon Cave in the play. He is a cold-blooded and cruel yet complex and multifaceted villain.

He was a member of the Communist Party at first, but later he was captured because of Gu Shunzhang's rebellion and defected to the enemy. He became a member of the Central Bureau of Investigation and was highly appreciated by Xu Enzeng.

Later, he followed Mr. Li (probably referring to Li Shiqun) and defected to the Japanese, becoming a Wang Puppet spy and traitor.

So the Central Bureau sent the top assassin Qu Xinping (codenamed Quanshui) to persuade him to turn back. If he didn't turn back, of course he would be killed.

From the first four episodes, we can see that Zhou Zhifei is very cunning, and he has conflicts with Kondo Masao and Huang Xinzhai.

Generally, these traitors are capable and talented, but at the same time they are selfish, shrewd and afraid of death.

There is a small detail in the play, which Zhang Songwen interpreted very vividly. When his men said that someone was following us, Zhou Zhifei was sitting very upright in the car seat. When he heard his men say this, he slipped from his upright position to under the seat back.

His fear of death and quick reaction are evident.

Zhang Songwen is indeed suitable for playing villains. It seems that the role of Zhou Zhifei will become another classic role for Zhang Songwen after Gao Qiqiang.

3、 The young actors also performed well. The struggles among the various parties in the play were intricate and the group drama was vivid.

Zeng Shunxi, Wang Yuwen,Chen DulingThe performances of the three young actors are all pretty good.Even though Chen Duling appeared as a female Pingtan singer, her makeup and dress were a little too delicate and fashionable.

Xiao Ruotong, played by Wang Yuwen, is a lady from a wealthy family, so it is not surprising that she dresses fashionably.

The struggles in the play are complicated and involve the Wang Puppet regime's spies, the Central Bureau of Investigation, the underground party, the Military Bureau of Investigation, and the head of a prominent family like Old Man Gu who doesn't care about politics but is patriotic and has a sense of justice.

Mr. Gu is not a nerd. His housekeeper Fugui was once the company commander of a special forces company under him. The cooks, servants, and gardeners in the house were all his soldiers.

I feel that Mr. Gu and his men can fight the Japanese devils alone.

This setting looks quite exciting.

Also, Gu Yi Zhong was framed by the enemy and considered a traitor by the underground party organization. They want to get rid of him. How will he prove his innocence?

How can he turn the tables, break into the No. 90 Demon Cave, battle wits and courage with Zhou Zhifei, and at the same time find out the real traitor?

These plots are like hooks, attracting us to look forward to the following plots.

In short, I watched 4 episodes of "Lonely Boat" and was not disappointed. I felt that the plot was compact, the setting was novel, and the group drama was rich and exciting. It is worth continuing to watch!

(Text/The First Dewdrop)