
Huangqiao Street, Xiangcheng District, Suzhou City: Fragrant plants bring endless fun in the summer


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In order to cultivate children's love for traditional culture and awe of the natural world, the Youth League Committee of Huangqiao Street, Xiangcheng District, Suzhou City, joined hands with the Huangqiao Yuelin Plaza Youth Summer Care Program to participate in the "Walking in Xiangcheng and Exploring Growth" experience camp, leading the children to the Suzhou Qiaoshenglu Museum and Suzhou (China) Flower and Botanical Garden for a day of outdoor hands-on experience.
During the visit and practice at Suzhou Qiaoshenglu Museum, the children learned about the traditional incense seal culture and experienced the connotation and value of traditional Chinese culture. At the beginning of the experience course, the museum teacher played a short animation about how ancient literati used incense seals to create an elegant atmosphere, which aroused the children's interest. Afterwards, through questioning and interaction, the children were guided to share their first impressions and existing understanding of incense seals. Then, the teacher demonstrated the production process of incense seals by hand, explaining while doing. The teacher divided the children into groups and gave guidance. Finally, the children showed their works and shared their feelings about making them.
At Suzhou (China) Flower and Botanical Garden, the children followed their teacher's footsteps with curious eyes and began to collect plant specimens. They carefully selected the plants that best represented the beauty of nature and gently picked them with their hands. After returning to the classroom, they placed the collected plants on absorbent paper and then stacked them layer by layer to ensure that the plants could be flat and maintain their original shape. Then, they pressed them tightly with heavy objects and waited patiently for the moisture in the plants to be absorbed by the paper. When the plant specimens are completely dry, the children will make labels for them, recording the name of the plant, the date of collection, the location, and some interesting discoveries.
Through this series of activities, the children not only learned how to make plant specimens, but more importantly, they found spiritual belonging in the interaction with nature and learned how to love the world.
Huangqiao Yuelin Plaza Summer Care Program has designed such a curriculum, combining traditional culture with natural science, providing children with an interdisciplinary learning opportunity. At the same time, the experiential teaching method also stimulates everyone's curiosity and desire to explore, making them more interested in related fields.
Yangzi Evening News/Ziniu News reporter Huang Yuqin correspondent Shen Xinyu
Proofread by Tao Shangong