
Driven by the dual wheels of "platform development and transformation of results", Nansha Kaijian Group builds technology IP


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On the morning of July 1, the Guangzhou Nansha Science City Management Committee was officially established, marking the arrival of a specialized agency in Nansha to coordinate and promote the construction of Nansha Science City.

Accelerating the construction of a science and technology innovation industry cooperation base is one of the important tasks proposed in the "Overall Plan for Deepening Comprehensive Cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in Guangzhou Nansha". In recent years, Nansha District has focused on the development vision of "globalization of innovation, intelligent manufacturing, digital services, and green environment", with the overall goal of building a world-class science city, the main line of innovation capacity building, and the driving force of comprehensive innovation reform to continuously promote the high-quality development of science and technology innovation in Nansha.

As a strategic state-owned enterprise for the development and construction of Nansha, in recent years, Guangzhou Nansha Development and Construction Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Nansha Development and Construction Group") has based itself on its own positioning and resource endowment, implemented a dual-wheel drive strategy of "platform development" and "achievement transformation", linked internal and external resources, and is committed to "building Nansha technology IP and cultivating Nansha technology enterprises" to promote more innovative achievements into new quality productivity.

Nansha Kaijian Group fully supports the construction of the world-class Nansha Science City, building an incubation carrier-public platform-pilot base-industrial park product system to serve the carrier needs of projects at different stages. Photo by Liu Wei

Constructing a support system for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in Nansha

On June 25, Nansha Hengli Biomedicine Industrial Park was officially opened, and the first batch of 7 biomedicine companies signed contracts to move in. This is the first biomedicine carrier completed in Guangzhou Nansha after the second anniversary of the release of the "Nansha Plan" and the promulgation of the "Guangzhou Nansha Support Measures for Promoting High-Quality Development of the Biomedicine Industry". It is another major progress in the development of Nansha's biomedicine industry. It is also one of the important measures that Nansha Kaijian Group is focusing on to layout the "1+4+N" industrial structure.

The "1+4+N" industrial structure is "1 center": Nansha Science and Technology Innovation Center; "4 platforms": technology investment platform, technology transformation platform, industry investment platform, industry service platform; "N parks": multiple industrial parks. As of now, Nansha Kaijian Group has built more than ten specialized high-tech industrial parks and talent service facilities such as commercial aerospace, biomedicine, integrated circuits and third-generation semiconductors, and international talent communities. By integrating and utilizing its own resource endowments, it has accumulated momentum and enabled the transformation of the "key variables" of scientific and technological innovation into the "maximum increment" of new quality productivity.

Nansha Hengli Biomedicine Industrial Park is the first biomedicine carrier completed in Nansha and is another major progress in the development of Nansha's biomedicine industry.

On June 25, Nansha Hengli Biomedicine Industrial Park was officially opened, and the first batch of 7 biomedicine companies signed contracts to move in.

At present, Nansha District is building a "2+5+2" advanced manufacturing system with the goal of high-quality development, covering two strategic pillar industries of intelligent network and new energy vehicles and modern high-end equipment, five strategic emerging industries of artificial intelligence, semiconductors and integrated circuits, biomedicine and health (including high-end medical devices), new materials, new energy and energy conservation and environmental protection, as well as two future fields of marine economy and aerospace economy.

To help Nansha build a "2+5+2" advanced manufacturing system, since the beginning of this year, Nansha Kaijian Group has successively established Guangzhou Nansha Industrial Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd. and Guangzhou Nansha Science City Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Industrial Technology Research Institute" and "Science City Company" respectively) as two scientific and technological achievement transformation investment and service entities, using high-quality industrial carriers as "hard support" and scientific and technological achievement transformation services to enhance "soft power", gathering and integrating the advantageous resources of state-owned enterprises, professional division of labor, efficient collaboration, and orderly implementing "planned platform development" and "organized scientific research transformation", helping to build Nansha's scientific and technological achievement transformation support system.

"What are the key industries in Nansha District? How to divide different types of parks according to industrial positioning? These all require us to think more deeply." Wang Mingjun, deputy general manager of Nansha Kaijian Group, introduced that in the past, the operation mode of industrial parks would be more biased towards the back end, that is, to provide appropriate platform carriers according to investment projects. After the establishment of the Science City Company and the Industrial Research Institute Company, the incubation and cultivation of science and technology industries will be carried out forward, and they will participate more deeply in the development of regional science and technology industries.

Different from the previous industrial park operation, Wang Mingjun said that this requires higher service capabilities and product professionalism of the team, gathers more innovation and industrial chain, and makes investment promotion more precise. Focusing on the goal of "industry first", Nansha Industrial Development Company under Nansha Kaijian Group has the ability to provide one-stop supporting services for settled enterprises from project research and development to on-site production.

On the industrial carrier side, Nansha Kaijian Group uses the Science City Company as the implementing entity to fully support the construction of the world-class Nansha Science City. Relying on the high-standard industrial park carrier resources under Nansha Kaijian Group, it builds an incubation carrier-public platform-pilot base-industrial park product system to serve the project carrier needs at different stages; on the supporting service side, it integrates the relevant professional entities under Nansha Kaijian Group to provide support services such as talent settlement, business office, exhibition and exchange, smart operation, scenario application, etc., and provide all-round supporting support; on the industrial service side, it uses the Industrial Research Institute as a platform to integrate the service sector resources of Nansha Kaijian Group, build a technical service, consulting service, investment and financing, science and technology finance, business counseling, and resource docking service system, and provide the professional services required for industry cultivation; on the transformation service side, the Industrial Research Institute links various innovation entities and scientific and technological service resources, and specifically implements the "incubation first, investment later, combination of allocation and investment" strategy to promote the efficient transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

The first phase of the project will create the "Nansha Marine Science and Technology Achievement Transformation Base"

It is understood that the site of the Institute of Industrial Research is located in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Creative Center in the Nansha Bay area, which is also the location of the Nansha High-tech Industrial Zone. The surrounding area is home to many marine and related research institutes such as the First Institute and Five Institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Marine Geological Survey Bureau, the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Fok Ying-Tong Research Institute, and the Guangzhou Marine Laboratory. It is an important scientific and technological research and development cluster in the Nansha Bay area.

The first phase of the project will rely on the marine research institutes that have already gathered in the district to build the "Nansha Marine Science and Technology Achievement Transformation Base", gather marine scientific and technological forces, promote the exchange and cooperation of innovative resources in the marine industry, and provide a platform to promote the transformation of marine scientific and technological achievements. By adopting the "incubation before investment" approach and then "combining allocation and investment" when conditions are met, it will help incubate enterprises' transformation of scientific and technological achievements, serve the high-quality development of the marine industry, and build my country's southern marine science and technology innovation center and high-end modern marine industry base.

Exterior view of Nansha Hengli Biomedicine Industrial Park.

Focusing on marine science and building a world-class marine science and engineering innovation center is an important functional positioning of Nansha Science City. In recent years, Nansha has introduced large scientific facilities including the "Dream" ocean drilling ship, cold spring ecosystem, Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey Bureau (hereinafter referred to as "Guanghai Bureau"), the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangdong Provincial Laboratory of Southern Marine Science and Engineering (Guangzhou) and other large institutes and new research and development institutions, and the "1+1+N" marine science and innovation platform system is being continuously improved in Nansha.

"The Guangdong Ocean Bureau has bases in Guangzhou, Dongguan and other places. Its business focuses on the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, covers my country's South China Sea, and faces the international deep sea and ocean. In order to meet the strategic layout needs of our bureau's high-quality development, we have successively inspected cities such as Shenzhen and Zhuhai. After comprehensive consideration, we decided to settle in Nansha." Previously, the Guangdong Ocean Bureau stated that Nansha is located in the geographical center of the Greater Bay Area, at the mouth of the Pearl River and facing the South China Sea. It has natural, geographical, and resource advantages with unique marine characteristics, providing a natural advantage for marine scientific research and marine industry development.

Three major measures to enable the "last mile" of industrialization

In recent years, Nansha has built 370 innovation platforms of various types around the industrial chain. Industry insiders pointed out that the key focus of the platform is often the "last mile" of industrialization, which puts higher demands on basic research and relies more on the innovation relay of the industrial market.

The Institute is positioned as an integration center for the integration of cutting-edge technological innovation achievements and scientific and technological achievements transformation elements in Nansha District, a powerful tool for serving the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and bears the functions of the Nansha District scientific and technological achievements transformation platform and the pilot function of the "supplementary transformation and investment" policy. Corresponding measures have been launched to address the three current issues of "not wanting to transfer", "not being able to transfer" and "not knowing how to transfer" scientific and technological achievements.

Nansha Science City Aerospace Science and Technology Research Institute. Photo by Liu Wei

In terms of incentives for "transferring", the difficulties faced by innovation entities and scientific research teams in lacking incentives and driving forces for the transformation of achievements will be addressed. As the pilot implementation body of the "subsidy-to-investment" policy, the Institute of Industrial Research will build a benefit-sharing and exit mechanism for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements under the joint guidance of Nansha's science and technology departments and investment promotion departments to encourage "transferring". By building new investment models such as "combining grants and investments", the support team will be guided to successfully pass the "first kilometer", thereby encouraging scientific researchers to actively participate in the transformation of achievements.

In terms of "capability transfer", the Institute of Industrial Research, as the leading entity, has built a bridge between science and technology and industry under the guidance and support of Nansha's science and technology departments and investment promotion departments, aiming at the "pain point" of the lack of connection between scientific and technological achievements of universities and research institutes and market demand. By giving full play to the information technology strength of the smart city big data company under Nansha Kaijian Group, special scientific and technological service support is provided to industrial units, and market-oriented demand-oriented service support is provided to scientific research units, so as to make scientific and technological achievements "capable transfer", further promote the structural reform of the supply side of science and technology, and create a "circle of friends" of "science and technology +" and "industry +" in Nansha.

In terms of assisting the "transformation of knowledge", in response to the "dilemma" of scientific researchers in universities and research institutes lacking relevant experience in market, law and results incubation, the Industrial Research Institute took the lead in integrating various resources to promote the large-scale application of advanced science and technology in a market-oriented manner, and further promote the transformation of science and technology into real productivity. During this period, Nansha Kaijian Group and other district-owned state-owned enterprises provided project team members with all-round industrial supporting services with their resource and service advantages in carrier guarantee, industry cultivation and life support, creating a high-quality living circle suitable for living and working, and creating an innovative ecology that promotes industrial technology research and development and transformation from the four aspects of "talent, finance, space and service".

At the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Development New Productivity Industry-University-Research Conference and New Technology Think Tank Development Seminar on June 22, Kedi Company, a subsidiary of Nansha Kaijian Group, reached a cooperation intention with the School of Environment and Engineering of Guangzhou University to jointly explore the development and application of low-energy wastewater resource forward osmosis technology, and help implement a new model of industry-university-research cooperation. Relevant person in charge said that Nansha Industrial Technology Research Institute, as the service provider for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in Nansha District, will further strengthen cooperation with universities and research institutes, focus on cutting-edge trends in science and technology, link internal and external resources, help scientific and technological achievements go out of the laboratory, realize industrialization and promote them to the market, and efficiently serve the scientific and technological achievements of universities in the Greater Bay Area such as Guangzhou University, South China University of Technology, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Sun Yat-sen University, Jinan University, and Dongguan Institute of Technology to be incubated and implemented in Nansha.

The Institute of Industrial Research and Development said that in the future it will integrate and gather resources from innovation platforms, industry enterprises and Nansha Kaijian Group in the region to jointly build the "Greater Bay Area Science and Technology Achievement Transformation Innovation and Application Center", build multiple industry science and technology achievement transformation bases around the "2+5+2" industries, and provide cultivation and incubation services for scientific and technological achievement projects or enterprises cultivated by innovation platforms. Specifically, it will implement the strategy of "incubation first, investment later, and combination of allocation and investment" to open up the achievement transformation path of technology-sample-product-industry and realize the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements.

Written by Zheng Yunan, a reporter from Nandu Innovation Bay Area

Picture: Provided by the interviewee