
New products are coming out one after another, a feast for the eyes——2024ChinaJoy China International Digital Interactive Entertainment Expo


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The four-day 2024 ChinaJoy (China International Digital Interactive Entertainment Expo) also came to an end on Monday. As one of the largest comic exhibitions in China, it attracts thousands of believers every year. I also bought the ticket early, but unfortunately, due to work schedule, I could only go on the last day and was unable to experience the grand occasion of the first three days.

ChinaJoy is a comprehensive international digital entertainment industry event jointly guided by the State Press and Publication Administration and the Shanghai Municipal People's Government, hosted by the China Audio-Visual and Digital Publishing Association and Shanghai Hanwei Xinheng Exhibition Co., Ltd., and co-organized by the Shanghai Municipal Press and Publication Administration and the Pudong New Area People's Government. As one of the most well-known and influential annual events in the global digital entertainment field, the exhibition covers multiple fields of digital entertainment, including games, animation, Internet film and television, Internet music, online literature, e-sports, trendy toys, smart entertainment software and hardware.

This exhibition is the 21st ChinaJoy, and like last year's CTE China Toy Show, it was held at the Shanghai New International Expo Center. With the theme of "Original Heart Tour, Unlimited Excitement", it brought together more than 600 well-known companies from 31 countries and regions to participate in the exhibition, with a total exhibition area of ​​130,000 square meters, which shows its huge scale. Fortunately, since it was the last day, there were relatively fewer people. Otherwise, it would be really hard for me to queue up outdoors for several hours in the temperature of late July in Shanghai.

The exhibition area is divided into four parts: east, west, south and north. Since I am not an experienced player, I walked through the general audience entrance. As soon as I entered the exhibition area, I was greeted by a variety of dazzling booths. There are many I recognize, but there are many more that I can't name.

Food brands such as Starbucks and Shanghaojia actually participated in the exhibition.

I also found the brand of mobile phone I use, but...ah this...startup!!!

Motorcycles at the Xiaomi booth. It seems that all these smartphone brands are beginning to develop in the direction of vehicles. Does anyone think this bike looks like Arcee's?

Let's get to the point. As a Transformers fan, my main purpose for this exhibition was to go to the booths of THREEZERO and YOLOPARK. I learned a few days ago that both companies would have heavyweight new products on display, so I took the opportunity to feast my eyes.

The exhibition areas of both companies are located in the East 5 area of ​​the exhibition. The first one I found was the THREEZERO exhibition area, which was relatively high-end in the entire exhibition. However, I was a little disappointed after entering. The products exhibited by THREEZERO this time were far inferior to their performance at the Trend Master exhibition a few months ago in terms of variety, quantity and product weight. Not only did the large-scale P+ Optimus Prime that was previously promoted disappear, but even the gray model of the dlx Scourge was not exhibited.

But there are products worth seeing. For example, the large-scale mirror image of Optimus Prime finally got a glimpse of its true appearance, as well as the colored products of dlx Captain Ape and Phantom, and the gray model of dlx Confinement, which I have been thinking about the most, was finally exhibited.

Before I start the formal introduction, I have to complain again. The display of THREEZERO's exhibits is really horrible. They are all placed in a tall and large glass cabinet. The glass is not completely transparent, and the reflection is terrible. Coupled with THREEZERO's unique deadly lighting, it is purely to prevent visitors from taking pictures. All my photos were taken by sticking the phone lens tightly against the glass. However, because the distance is too close, some of them are stretched and deformed or the whole picture cannot be captured. Please forgive me...

First, let's take a look at the dlx confinement that everyone is most interested in. I have to say that I was shocked the moment I saw this product. Such exquisite details, clear and sharp depictions of battle damage, full of charm of the head sculpture, perfectly restored proportions of the body, and a large number of parts visible to the naked eye, it is really hard for me to imagine that this is from THREEZERO, who makes random details and designs at will.

Zoom in to see the upper body. The dense details on the face, the battle scars on the forehead and chest, and even the arrogant expression on his face are all vividly restored. Looking at this face, it feels like he is about to say, "I don't care."

The details of the hydraulic rods and pipelines are very delicate. I really like this kind of stacked details. The sharpness of each detail is also very high, and the details do not become blurred due to the increase in the amount of details.

I like the hollow details of the lower skirt armor, but I don’t know if it will affect the mobility of the legs. The springs on the thighs and the various broken outer armors are also perfectly restored.

This time, the Confinement didn't have any accessories on display, and the staff didn't know anything. I was a little disappointed. In the movie, Confinement is simply a walking arsenal, with all kinds of fancy swords, guns, swords and cannons. I roughly counted the weapons that Confinement used in the movie:

Heavy sniper cannon sticking out of the face

The hand cannon used by the Massacre Ambulance and the Fire Extractor it created

Daggers and hooks sticking out of arms

Missile launchers on the shoulders, triggered by buttons on the chest

A mini seed grenade that cybermetallizes everything in the blast range.

The small pistol that appeared in one frame when chasing Optimus Prime on the rooftop looks a bit like the small muskets used by the Inspector and the Five Knights.

Except for the last three weapons that don't have much of a role, the first three weapons are often used by Confinement in the movie. Considering Triple Zero's nature, it is estimated that he will definitely not give all of them. I just hope that the face cannon and the fire extractor will not be castrated, otherwise it will always be a pain for the fans and a pleasure for the craftsmen. In addition, Confinement's masked face form was not exhibited this time, and I look forward to more revelations in the future.

The second one worth seeing is the DLX Phantom, which was revealed at the previous Trend Masters Exhibition and is now available for pre-order on major websites.

THREEZERO's products have always been surprisingly good. Counting the previous Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and Captain Ape, Phantom is already the fourth one. It is really precious that THREEZERO has maintained such a high standard for such a long time. The overall body, shape and details of the toy are impeccable, but Phantom is ugly in the movie, and his popularity is still due to his likable personality. I am not particularly interested in this shape.

The facial details are very vivid, and the playful expression and the corners of the mouth that are harder to suppress than AK vividly show the character's uninhibited, free and happy personality. However, even if it is restored, I still don't appreciate this look.

What's interesting is that the Phantom comes with a power armored male protagonist doll from the movie. The details are painted in a very realistic way. However, when I went to see it, the doll fell down, which made it very difficult to take a photo of it.

If you look closely, you can see a human face under the mask. But considering the appearance of the male lead in Transformers 7, I think it's better to forget it. I wonder if there will be a craftsman to make a big head to replace it. I will definitely buy it.

Since the pre-order has been opened, we can know that the accessories of this Phantom are extremely rich. The main body has dual light-emitting hand cannons and two replacement faces with different expressions, which was previously only available for large-scale Bumblebees; even the accompanying minifigures have four weapons, including dual swords and dual guns. For a moment, I couldn't figure out which one was the main body. And it is said that in addition to the eye lights, even the hand cannons and chest lights of this Phantom can light up, and a magnetic control light mechanism has been introduced. It is indeed full of selling points. After it is shipped, I will buy one to share with the big goods.

The third highlight is the large-scale mirror-image Optimus Prime. I have seen many online pictures before, and now I finally see the real thing. It is really amazing. The broken car window shape on the right chest is definitely the finishing touch. It is so handsome, and a sense of evil and domineering comes immediately.

The previous mirror images of Optimus Prime were all animated, so the broken chests were mostly drawn with white lines. Although Dlx and mm01p made physical shattering, the shattering area was too small, as if a small stone was thrown at it by a naughty child, lacking a sense of oppression. The large-scale car windows are larger and more detailed in terms of the shattering area and degree, which really restores the unique charm of Optimus Prime. Unfortunately, its price is far beyond my budget. So I can only take a look.

The last highlight is the DLX-scale Captain Gorilla, which will be released soon. This is also the most shady one in the 30 exhibition. First of all, it is placed on the highest shelf, and normal people can't see it at all. I have to raise my phone to barely take a picture. Secondly, it is placed very close to the glass door. In order to avoid the reflection of the cabinet door, I put my phone against the glass to take pictures. This way, I can't take a clear picture of this product. It is a kind of product that can't be seen clearly and can't be photographed. As a heavyweight product that is about to be released, I really can't understand why 30 does this.

I managed to take a few detailed photos, and you can see that both the details and the paint are very good. The texture of the fur and metal armor has been well restored, and the details of the body are also meticulous, with the battle-damaged and cracked outer armor and messy fur portrayed very well.

The head sculpture shows the mask version of the face, and the large-scale product will also come with a monkey face shape. It is really difficult for me to take a clear picture of the weapon dual swords due to the angle problem. However, I can barely see the burning texture of the blades carved with transparent parts. The dual swords should have two carrying modes, one is to hold it in the hand, and the other is to extend it from the sleeve like the exhibition. I will probably buy this one when the large-scale product is released. I will share it with you then.

In addition, there are some of Triple Zero's previous products. However, except for the two Optimus Primes, all the large-scale products that appeared at the Chaojujiang Toy Show are gone. It may be limited by the length of the booth, but it is still a bit regrettable. The Dlx series products are all available. This time, Triple Zero even "generously" took out a Transformers 7 Optimus Prime for tourists to play with. However, as far as I know, Triple Zero had a lot more things to play with at the Hong Kong exhibition a few days ago than in Shanghai. In addition to Optimus Prime, DLX's Captain Ape can also be played with by tourists. In addition, there are some mdlx and non-Transformers products. I am not very familiar with these product lines, so I will simply show you some pictures.

Next is the Yolopark booth, which I am also looking forward to. Although the Yolopark booth is much smaller than that of ThreeZero, it is just as rich as the former. Especially in terms of the number of new products released, it can be said that there are constant surprises.

The first thing that caught my eye was naturally three knife-level products: the red and black 20,000 pillars of the iies series, and the 10,000 humidifier of the ies series. Although I have seen these products at the Chaojujiang Toy Exhibition, for me, I will never get tired of seeing these products. It is the first time I have seen the globe of Dark Optimus Prime. To be honest, this delicate color makes me a little out of the play. It feels like someone blew a pink bubble gum, which is really incompatible with the domineering feeling of Dark Optimus Prime.

It is a pity that the IIES-7 Bumblebee, which was first launched in the Hong Kong exhibition area, was not on display. We can only look forward to the WF exhibition in October.

When I was communicating with the staff at the Yolopark exhibition area, I also learned a piece of news that surprised me: the news that the IIES series was going to make a trilogy of Optimus Prime that was previously circulated on the Internet turned out to be true. Yolopark has already established the project, but it just hasn't made a trial mold, so the gray mold exhibited at the exhibition is a rumor, but the manufacturer has confirmed that it will be made. The 20,000 pillars of the trilogy shape are really exciting to think about! However, considering Yolopark's ability to draw cakes and delivery speed, we should still have to wait.

Let's take a look at the new products! The first is the AMK Pro Knight Optimus Prime that everyone is looking forward to. The moment I saw the real thing, I felt like I had traveled through time. Because isn't this a smaller version of the Knight Prime from ThreeZero DLX? The details, body shape, joints, parts and armor distribution are so similar. The head sculpture is a 1:1 replica of DLX's head, and even the four strange bumps on the mask (which are not in the movie) are replicated. In terms of body shape, perhaps because the waist is less movable, Yolopark's Knight Prime does not have the chest-waist fault problem of the ThreeZero DLX, and the entire upper body is more smooth and natural. The paint is not as "clean" as the DLX, but stains and shadows are added to make the whole body more realistic Metal texture.

The back looks more like DLX, even the exhaust pipes are restored, and the shield does not have an opening mechanism (why don’t you learn from others instead of this).

Unfortunately, the Knight Pillar at ChinaJoy cannot be picked up and played with by tourists like in Hong Kong. The staff explained that this is because the Knight Pillar is only a printed part with color, and the material cannot withstand tourists playing with it. This is still very regrettable. Another small problem is that there is no Sai Xingwen on the Knight Pillar, neither on the sword nor on the calf. Considering that this is just a temporary exhibit, it is understandable. I hope the large stock will not be missing.

Next are the three subsequent white films of the AMK Pro series: Transformer Phantom, Outer Soundwave, and Outer Shockwave. The Phantom seems to be similar to ThreeZero, but there is no small doll accessory package. As a small-scale assembly toy, it has such a high level of detail, which has always been the advantage of the AMK series. If the paint is not much worse than 30, this Phantom will surely become a popular and cost-effective hit like the Knight Pillar. But I just learned that the one exhibited in the Hong Kong exhibition area is actually the colored version. Why is the difference between mainland China and Hong Kong so serious...

Soundwave and Shockwave are also old favorites. Both the details and the shapes are restored very delicately. I just hope they can be shipped soon.

The backs of both products have a lot of parts that are the same as the legendary Optimus Prime, especially the buttocks and thighs of the three are exactly the same. However, this is a problem with the original setting, and the toys cannot be blamed.

There are two new heavyweight products coming out of the animation line, namely the G1-shaped Dark Optimus Prime and Starscream. I am really not interested in these two products. As I mentioned in the previous issue of reviewing Optimus Prime, the G1 product can already guarantee a nearly perfect human form and mobility in the field of changeability. The non-changeable product is not much better in this regard, but sacrifices the deformation, which is a product with few advantages and many disadvantages.

As for the new movie series that will be released in September this year, it is said that Pillar Brother is voiced by "Thor" Chris Hemsworth, and Alita is voiced by "Black Widow" Scarlett Johansson. As a Marvel fan, I inexplicably feel that this is a weird CP. The information about the movie itself has been introduced in previous articles of this public account, so I will not repeat it here.

From the toys, we can see that they want to depict the story of the protagonists' growth. Each character has two forms before and after awakening. In addition, according to the official children's toy line products previously launched, Optimus Prime has a final form. I am still looking forward to it. After all, who doesn't want to see the story of the two leaders before they grow up to become leaders?

I have never figured out the production rules of the AMK series. According to the owner of Yolopark, they hope to produce a complete set of cheap and exquisite Transformers, so that buyers can meet their collection needs without spending a lot of money. However, according to the performance of the current AMK series product line, there are several Transformers VII, one Transformers V, two spin-offs, and the rest are animation styles. It is not like MPM or some third parties that ship according to the rules of a movie, but they have a little bit of everything and always avoid the main characters. If this continues, I don’t know when it will take to collect a movie.

Finally, there are some non-Transformers series, mainly IPs such as Minions and Unit-01. I'll send you a few pictures for you to take a look at.

The third one I am personally interested in is the exhibition area of ​​the evil consortium B. As expected of a large consortium, the booth is very impressive. Not only is the scale several times larger than other exhibition areas, but there are also various large statues. The upper side of the exhibition area is filled with dozens of original Gundams that are as tall as a person and have been changed into different colors. Such an army of originals is really oppressive and impressive.

Since I don't know much about Gundam, I'll just show you some pictures. You can choose the ones you like.

There is another thing in the exhibition area that has refreshed my understanding limit. It is the pure gold Freedom Gundam co-branded with Lao Feng Xiang, which is priced at 880,000 RMB. The golden light is dazzling. I have to say that Bandai is really too arrogant. Only rich people know how to play. I don’t know what the mentality of people who buy such a thing is, but it is indeed impressive.

p.s. It's my fault for not doing a guide and not knowing to find a restaurant at the comic convention. This bowl of noodles costs 60 yuan, not even enough to feed the cat. The taste is even worse than the instant pasta sold at 6 yuan a bag in the supermarket downstairs from my house...

Since there are so many participating companies, many of them are beyond my understanding. Therefore, I will not introduce them one by one. I will post the pictures for your reference. In general, although it is the last day, the exhibition is still very popular. Cosplayers and various two-dimensional lottery and card collection activities can be seen everywhere. As a Transformers fan, my focus is naturally on several Transformers manufacturers (the official Haibiao probably doesn't want to join in the fun, its exhibition area is outrageously small and there is not a single exhibit). As for third parties, although Yolopark and Threezero have brought us new products that are eye-catching enough, it can be clearly felt that both companies have held back and have not released good things. Whether it is Threezero's P+ big pillar and DLX natural disaster, or Yolopark's 20,000 bees and trilogy 20,000 pillars. I hope to see more surprises at the WF exhibition in October.