
I've been curious for a long time! What is the long paper box held by the athlete?


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Paris Olympics schedule halfway through

Every time I see the award ceremony

Athletes will wear medals while

Get oneLong paper box

What's inside?

On August 4, the champion Fan Zhendong of China (center), the runner-up Moregaard of Sweden (left), and the third place Felix Lebrun of France were at the award ceremony. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Dongzhen
On July 27, in the women's synchronized 3-meter springboard diving final at the Paris Olympics, Chinese athletes Chang Yani and Chen Yiwen won the gold medal. Champions Chang Yani (front left) and Chen Yiwen (front right), runners-up American athletes Bacon (back left first) and Cook (back left second), and third place British athletes Harper (back right second) and Miu-Jansen (back right first) attended the award ceremony. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Ying

According to diving athlete Chen Yiwen

turn out to beThe box contains

Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games

Official poster


The official poster is now on sale

But what the athletes get islimited edition

Not only marked

"Olympic Athlete Edition"

There is one for eachUnique digital number

This poster was created by the famous French illustrator

Completely hand-painted by Ugo Gattoni

Rich in picture details

Large number of characters

Known by netizens"On the Seine"

Night version poster

Poster contains

8 Paris Olympic and Paralympic mascots

29 Olympic Games sports and

18 Paralympic sports

besidesEiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe

Seine River, Place de la ConcordeOther famous landmarks

The Olympic rings and the Paralympic tricolor emblem

Olympic motto and other important elements

Also included

Looking forward to the Chinese athletes

Continue to enjoy this "Sports Carnival"!

Source: Beijing Daily WeChat Official Account, Banyuetan, Hebei News Network

Editor: Liu Gaojun

Proofreading: Cao Shuming
