
Luo Yonghao responds to the "five sins" of Yu Minhong, a friend of 20 years: There is no truth in the whole article, only a hooligan poster that vents like shouting


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August 6 midday news, forYu Minhong20 years old friend exposedLuo YonghaoRegarding the five sins, Luo Yonghao's rumor-busting account responded today on Weibo: "Teacher Tie is known in the industry as someone who has never said a bad word about anyone. Is it because at critical moments there are always these '20-year friends' who come to his aid? Look at thisThroughoutThere are no facts, onlyShoutingVenting like a hooliganBig Character Poster, aren't you ashamed to make friends like this?"

According to Luo Yonghao, he will write a clarification article this afternoon to respond to this matter in a reasonable and orderly manner.

Last night, someone who claimed to be Yu Minhong's 20-year old friend exposed Luo Yonghao's five sins: Sin 1: A clown who lacks self-discipline, is irresponsible, outspoken, unscrupulous, and has extremely bad character; Sin 2: A troublemaker who repeatedly and deliberately confuses and stirs up discord between the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises and individual employees, causing chaos in the market order; Sin 3: A ungrateful and ungrateful villain; Sin 4: Sowing discord and killing three birds with one stone; Sin 5: A speculator who is uneducated and completely ignores the focus on entrepreneurship.

According to screenshots circulating online, Zhang Xiang, the whistleblower, used the founder of Crazy English 22 years ago toLi YangHe has known Yu Minhong for many years. He said that after communicating with Yu Minhong, Yu Minhong would not respond to Luo Yonghao's miserly insults.