
Perfect World issued an ethics and compliance announcement, and several employees were notified


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Sanyan Technology reported on August 6 that recently, Perfect World issued an ethical compliance announcement and reported related cases that have been investigated and dealt with by public security and judicial authorities, involving senior art directors, producers, 2D main artists, 3D main artists and many other employees.

The announcement stated that integrity and compliance with the law are the values ​​that Perfect World has always adhered to, and the company has always adopted a "zero tolerance" attitude towards corruption and fraud. In order to implement this value and requirement, Perfect World has formulated and established a complete risk management system to prevent, detect and combat all corruption and fraud.

For violations involving illegal and criminal activities, Perfect World will certainly cooperate with public security and judicial authorities to conduct factual investigations, arrest the persons involved, and seriously investigate their legal responsibilities. Since 2023, some employees have used their position to engage in commercial bribery, embezzlement and other violations, seriously violating the company's rules and regulations such as the "Employee Handbook" and "Code of Business Conduct and Ethics". The company has decided to dismiss all relevant personnel and will never re-employ them.