
Build a cross-border data circulation and trading ecosystem! Shanghai Data Exchange and international alternative data aggregation platform reach a strategic


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Recently, Shanghai Data Exchange and Eagle Alpha, a leading European alternative data aggregation platform, officially signed a strategic cooperation agreement. The two parties will establish a two-way data flow cooperation mechanism for overseas platforms, and through a series of interconnected measures such as rule docking, supply and demand docking, and information sharing, help global companies expand cross-border data circulation business, improve the security and convenience of data delivery, and promote global data circulation transactions.

Alternative data is a new type of data from non-traditional sources used in investment research. In recent years, it has been increasingly used in financial markets. Eagle Alpha was founded in 2012 and is the world's leading alternative data aggregation platform company. It is also one of the standard setters in the global alternative data industry. Its partners include Blackstone, Schroders and other world-renowned investment companies.

It is reported that there are currently more than 1,900 alternative data products on the Eagle Alpha platform, covering multiple types of data such as social media sentiment analysis, network traffic and e-commerce data, geographic location data, satellite images, etc., which are widely used by asset management companies, private equity firms, enterprises and government agencies around the world, helping them gain unique insights and deep insights in investment decisions and market analysis. There are more than 1,000 data buyers.

Niall Hurley, CEO of Eagle Alpha, said: "We have noticed the rapid development of China's data trading market and have seen the irreplaceable role played by data exchanges in it. We hope that through strategic cooperation with the Shanghai Data Exchange, we can help more international data companies understand the Chinese market and participate in China's data trading market. We have also seen the openness and determination of the Shanghai Data Exchange in expanding its international market. We believe that through this strategic cooperation, we can provide more high-quality alternative data support for the Chinese market and help Chinese companies gain an advantage in global competition."

Tang Qifeng, general manager of the Shanghai Data Exchange, said that the Shanghai Data Exchange is accelerating the construction of an international zone and promoting the formation of a two-way data flow cooperation mechanism with international mainstream data supply platforms such as Eagle Alpha, reducing transaction costs such as information search costs, and making it more convenient for companies to conduct cross-border data circulation business.

Relying on the advantages of Shanghai Data Exchange in international diversified digital business ecology and data trading service functions, as well as Eagle Alpha's resources in data supply and global customer relationships, the two parties will jointly build a cross-border data circulation and trading ecology in the next step to provide global companies with broader and more diversified data services, technical services and comprehensive solutions.