
For five consecutive days, several heads of ministries and commissions appeared on the "News Broadcast"


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Written by Yu Hui

The Political Knowledge Editor noticed that recently, many "top leaders" of the State Council's constituent departments have appeared on the "News Broadcast".

In the past few days, in chronological order, the following people have appeared on CCTV:

  • Minister of Finance Lan Fuan (July 25); Minister of Human Resources and Social Security Wang Xiaoping (July 26); Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao (July 27); Director of the National Development and Reform Commission Zheng Zhajie (August 3); Minister of Science and Technology Yin Hejun (August 4).

The topics focused on by the heads of the above-mentioned ministries and commissions are all related to the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee.

The person who appeared on camera for an interview on August 4 was Yin Hejun, Minister of Science and Technology.

Minister of Science and Technology Yin Hejun appeared on the show

Yin Hejun became Minister of Science and Technology in October 2023.

In March 2023, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the "Reform Plan for Party and State Institutions". The plan mentioned the establishment of the Central Science and Technology Commission as a decision-making, deliberative and coordinating body of the CPC Central Committee.Reorganization of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and remains a component department of the State Council.

This is a systematic reshaping and holistic reconstruction of our party's national science and technology leadership and management system.

The Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Promoting Modernization with Chinese Characteristics, adopted at the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee,Technology and innovation were mentioned more than 50 times respectively.

The key to China's modernization lies in the modernization of science and technology. The plenary session proposed that education, science and technology, and talents are the basic and strategic support for China's modernization.

In an interview, Yin Hejun mentioned that "the plenary session made special arrangements for the integrated promotion of education, science and technology, and talent.The longest space is used and it is placed in a prominent positionThis reflects the Party Central Committee’s high attention and earnest expectations for scientific and technological innovation, and shows that there is still huge potential for scientific and technological innovation to lead development.”

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee mentioned the need to deepen reform of the science and technology system.

Yin Hejun said,In view of the relatively weak original innovation capabilities and the problem that some key core technologies are controlled by others, it is emphasized that we should strengthen organized basic research.In view of the low level of organization and coordination of scientific and technological innovation and the problems of scattered and duplicated resources, it is emphasized that the management of scientific and technological plans should be improved.Optimize the organizational mechanism for major scientific and technological innovation; In response to the problem of insufficient supply of high-quality science and technology, it is emphasized that the mechanism for transforming scientific and technological achievements should be reformed, the leading role of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation should be strengthened, and the integrated development of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation should be promoted. "

On August 3, in an interview with CCTV, Zheng Zhajie also mentioned technological innovation.

High-quality development is the primary task of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. The plenary session made it clear that we should improve the system and mechanism to promote high-quality economic development and promote the gathering of various advanced production factors to develop new quality productive forces.

Zheng Zhajie, Director of the National Development and Reform Commission, appeared on the show

Zheng Zhajie said that we must give full play to the leading role of innovation, develop new quality productivity according to local conditions, and accelerate the transformation of new and old kinetic energy.The focus should be on "one focus and three accelerations".

"One Focus" means focusing on scientific and technological innovation, fighting hard to overcome key core technologies, and promoting the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation."The three accelerations" are to speed up the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, accelerate the cultivation and expansion of emerging industries, and accelerate the planning and layout of future industries, which is to create new momentum and new advantages for development."

He also mentioned that "macro-policy coordination will be strengthened, both economic and non-economic policies will be included in the consistency assessment of macro-policy orientation, the expectation management mechanism will be improved, and the coordinated efforts of fiscal, monetary, industrial, price, employment and other policies will be further promoted to avoid both the 'fallacy of composition' and the 'fallacy of decomposition'."

Lan Fuan, Wang Xiaoping and Wang Wentao respectively talked about fiscal and taxation system reform, employment, and high-level opening up to the outside world.

Lan Fuan said that the reforms will be mainly promoted in three areas:

“First, improve the budget system and strengthen the financial support for major national strategic tasks and basic people’s livelihood.Use precious financial funds in key areas of development and people's livelihood needs; Second, improve the tax system, optimize the tax structure, study the tax system that is compatible with the new business forms, and improve the support mechanism for key areas and key links; Third, improve the fiscal relationship between the central and local governments and increase local independent financial resources.

Finance Minister Lam Pho An appears on camera

He said that the Ministry of Finance will steadily advance the reform of the fiscal and taxation system in stages and steps.

"We will organize in-depth research on major, difficult and key issues, listen to opinions widely and ensure that the results of the reform are more tangible and accessible to the people."

Wang Xiaoping mentioned that "high-quality full employment should be the priority goal of economic and social development, and fiscal, monetary, investment, consumption, industrial, regional and other policies should be coordinated and linked with employment policies.Focus on solving structural employment contradictions, improve the evaluation and incentive system for the training and use of skilled personnel,Gradually improve the remuneration level for skilled personnel and improve employment support policies for key groups, continue to build a comprehensive public employment service system that covers the entire population, runs through the entire process, radiates the entire region, is convenient and efficient, and at the same time improve the labor rights protection system that adapts to flexible employment and new employment forms, and create a fair employment environment. "

Minister of Human Resources and Social Security Wang Xiaoping appeared on the show

Wang Wentao mentioned high-level opening up to the outside world.

He said, “WeWe will proactively connect with high-standard international economic and trade rules, actively participate in the reform of the global economic governance system, and implement the zero-restriction measures on foreign investment access in the manufacturing industry as soon as possible., reasonably reduce the negative list for foreign investment access, make the cake of opening up bigger, extend the list of cooperation, fully participate in WTO reform, expand the circle of friends for free trade, and promote the construction of an open world economy. "

Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao appears on camera

Source: CCTV, Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily Online, etc.

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