
Evergrande seeks $6 billion from Xu Jiayin, Ding Yumei and others; Honor responds to listing rumors丨Bang Zaobao


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[Nobel Prize in Physics winner Tsung-Dao Lee passed away at the age of 98]According to CCTV News, Mr. Tsung-Dao Lee, a famous Chinese physicist and Nobel Prize winner in Physics, passed away at the age of 98. Tsung-Dao Lee, a foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was born on November 24, 1926 in Shanghai, China, and his ancestral home was Suzhou, Jiangsu.

From 1943 to 1945, he studied at Zhejiang University and Southwest United University. In 1946, he entered the Graduate School of the University of Chicago in the United States and received his doctorate in June 1950. From 1950 to 1953, he conducted research at the University of Chicago, the University of California, Berkeley, and Princeton Institute. From 1953 to 1960, he served as an assistant professor, associate professor, and professor at Columbia University. From 1960 to 1963, he served as a professor at Princeton Institute for Advanced Study and Columbia University. In 1964, he was elected Enrico Fermi Professorship of Physics at Columbia University. Since 1983, he has served as a university professor at Columbia University. In 1984, he was appointed Honorary Professor of Peking University. He was formerly the Director of Beijing Modern Physics Research Center and the Director of Peking University High Energy Physics Research Center. (CCTV News)

[Honor: The company started shareholding reform in the fourth quarter, and has not received support from the Shenzhen Municipal Government beyond that of ordinary enterprises since the beginning of 2021]On August 5, in response to media reports about rumors about its listing, Honor responded to Jiemian News: "Honor has always adhered to the principles of open and transparent development, and will continue to diversify its equity structure. Honor plans to launch corresponding shareholding reforms in the fourth quarter of this year, and will start the IPO process in due course. Honor will disclose relevant financial data in the corresponding process. From January 1, 2021 to the present, Honor has not received any support from the Shenzhen Municipal Government beyond that of ordinary enterprises. At the same time, Honor has never received the special support items listed in the email in the report." (Yinshi Finance)

[China Evergrande: The company seeks to recover dividends and remuneration totaling approximately US$6 billion from 7 defendants including Xu Jiayin and Ding Yumei]On August 5, China Evergrande announced that on March 22, 2024, the liquidator initiated legal proceedings in the name of the company in the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (High Court) against three defendants, namely Xu Jiayin, the company's former CEO Xia Haijun and the company's former chief financial officer Pan Dayong. The lawsuit gradually developed to join the remaining four defendants, namely Xu Jiayin's spouse or former spouse Ding Yumei and three entities related to Xu Jiayin and Ding Yumei. In the lawsuit, the company seeks to recover from the seven defendants (including) dividends and remuneration paid by the company based on the financial statements for the fiscal years ending December 31, 2017 to December 31, 2020, which they claimed were misreported, totaling approximately US$6 billion. The company's shares will continue to be suspended until further notice. (Cailian News)

[Tesla's vehicle in Xi'an brake incident was found to be fault-free]Recently, the second-instance judgment was made in the defamation case between Tesla and Li from Xi'an. The amount that Li should compensate Tesla was adjusted from 2,000 yuan in the first instance to 70,000 yuan. At the same time, the judicial appraisal agency commissioned by the court appraised the vehicle involved in the case. The appraisal opinion was: The current technical condition of Tesla's vehicle braking system is normal and effective without any faults, and there is no situation where the brake pedal cannot be stepped on and the braking efficiency is reduced, which meets the relevant technical standards. In March 2021, Li was involved in a traffic accident while driving a Tesla, and claimed that the cause of the accident was Tesla's "brake failure"; in April 2021, Li "protected his rights" at the Tesla booth at the Shanghai Auto Show. (Yicai Global)

[Musk restarts lawsuit against OpenAI]Musk has reportedly reopened his lawsuit against OpenAI. Like previous lawsuits, the new lawsuit claims that OpenAI and its two founders, Sam Altman and Greg Brockman, put commercial interests above the public interest and violated the company's founding contract. The lawsuit also claims that the two broke their promise to share or open source the company's technology for free and chose to provide Microsoft with an exclusive license for the technology. (Cailian News)

【Evergrande Auto: Related subsidiaries enter bankruptcy reorganization process】Evergrande Auto Hong Kong Stock Exchange announced that the relevant local people's court held a hearing on the bankruptcy reorganization of the relevant subsidiary on August 2, 2024, and the relevant local people's court ruled that the relevant subsidiary entered the bankruptcy reorganization procedure. (Sohu)

[Xiaomi denies rumor that Jin Fan, vice president of the group's mobile phone department, has resigned]Recently, Jin Fan, vice president of Xiaomi Group's mobile phone department and general manager of MIUI experience, cleared his personal Weibo account. Wang Hua, general manager of Xiaomi's public relations department, responded to a reporter from the Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily that Jin Fan had not resigned. "He is in seclusion. I asked him personally. His Weibo account was set to be visible for half a year. He will chat with everyone when he comes out of seclusion this year." (Tencent)

[Lei Jun, who has more than 28 million followers on Douyin, recently launched the showcase function]Lei Jun, who has more than 28 million followers on Douyin, recently launched the showcase function and put the Xiaomi bracelet on the shelves, officially starting to "bring goods". In Lei Jun's videos, he often recommends various products, from daily consumer goods to technology products, and "makes" some non-Xiaomi brands popular. Therefore, some netizens joked that Lei Jun, who has a huge amount of traffic, should take orders to "subsidize the family". Lei Jun's potential for bringing goods has also been recognized by the market. From watermelon, hot sauce to sun-proof clothing, Lei Jun's recommendations always trigger a buying boom among consumers. Brands also responded quickly, marking "Lei Jun's same style" on their products in order to use Lei Jun's influence to increase sales. (Sohu)

[The stock prices of the "Big Seven" in the U.S. stock market plummeted, and the total market value evaporated by 1.3 trillion U.S. dollars]The "Big Seven" of the U.S. stock market all fell sharply at the opening, with Apple falling 9.6%, Microsoft falling 4.8%, Nvidia falling 14.3%, Google falling 6.5%, Amazon falling more than 8%, and Tesla falling more than 10.85%. By calculation, the total market value of the above seven technology companies decreased by 1.29 trillion U.S. dollars, of which Apple fell by 321 billion U.S. dollars and Nvidia fell by 378 billion U.S. dollars. (Cailian Press)

[Sohu's second quarter revenue was US$172 million, a year-on-year increase of 13%]Sohu Inc. released its second quarter financial report for 2024. The financial report shows that Sohu's total revenue in the second quarter was US$172 million, an increase of 13% over the same period in 2023 and 24% over the previous quarter; Sohu Inc.'s non-GAAP net loss was US$34 million. (Interface)

[Tencent File Assistant WeChat applet will be discontinued]Tencent File Assistant released an announcement, saying that the WeChat applet/web terminal will cease operations from October 11, 2024. Users are requested to download data as soon as possible. In addition, the "File Assistant" file backup function will be closed from now on. Users can browse and download backed-up files normally, but they can no longer back up new files. For member users, the official said that a refund channel has been opened (Sync Assistant App-File-Shared Space-Click Announcement-Refund Channel). (IT Home)

[Zhong Xuegao was forced to pay more than 5.42 million yuan]Tianyancha legal litigation information shows that recently, Zhong Xuegao Food (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and Zhongmao (Shanghai) Food Technology Co., Ltd. added a new person subject to execution information, with the execution target of more than 5.42 million yuan, involving a contract dispute case, and the execution court is the Shucheng County People's Court. Zhong Xuegao Food (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. was established in March 2018, with Lin Sheng as the legal representative, and a registered capital of approximately 1.203 billion yuan, and is wholly owned by Gloryseed HK Limited. Tianyan risk information shows that the company currently has 5 persons subject to execution information, with a total execution amount of more than 18.4 million yuan. In addition, there are also information on consumption restriction orders and equity freezes. (Sina Finance)

[Fortune Global 500 in 2024: Walmart remains the world's largest company, Amazon returns to second place]On August 5, the 2024 Fortune Global 500 list was announced. The total operating income of the Fortune Global 500 companies this year is about 41 trillion US dollars, equivalent to one-third of the global GDP, a slight increase of about 0.1% over last year. The total net profit of all listed companies increased by 2.3% year-on-year to about 2.97 trillion US dollars. Among them, Walmart has become the world's largest company for the eleventh consecutive year. Amazon returned to second place. China's State Grid Corporation continued to rank third. Saudi Aramco and Sinopec ranked fourth and fifth respectively.

The overall profits of the 500 companies are back on track. Although Saudi Aramco's profits fell by about 24% year-on-year, it still topped the profit list with a profit of about 120.7 billion US dollars. Apple, Google's parent company Alphabet and Microsoft, three American technology companies, ranked second, fourth and fifth respectively in the most profitable companies (profit list). Berkshire Hathaway, as the company with the largest loss on the Fortune 500 list last year, ranked third in this year's profit list with a profit of more than 96.2 billion US dollars. Three Chinese companies entered the top ten of the profit list, namely Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank and Agricultural Bank of China, among which the profit of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China exceeded 51.4 billion US dollars. (

[Some iPhone 16 models are "Made in India"? US analysts: India can produce some basic models]It is reported that Apple will assemble the high-end models of the iPhone 16 series, iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max, in India through its partners this year. In this regard, Dan Ives, an analyst at Wedbush Securities, said, "I think India can produce some basic models or other parts of Apple hardware. But high-end models such as Pro and Pro Max will continue to be produced in China, and we have not seen any changes." (Yicai)

[It is reported that Musk's X platform will withdraw from San Francisco]According to people familiar with the matter, Musk's social media platform X plans to close its San Francisco office, ending its presence in the city since its founding in 2006. X CEO Linda Yaccarino sent an email to employees saying that X will move out of its office on Market Street in San Francisco, and employees will be transferred to its existing office in San Jose, California and its engineering office in Palo Alto. Musk, who acquired X's predecessor Twitter in 2022, has been dissatisfied with the security in San Francisco and announced last month that he would move X's headquarters to Texas. (Global Market Report)

[The EU said TikTok has promised to permanently withdraw from the TikTok Lite reward program, and the "first case" of the Digital Services Act has been settled]The European Commission announced on August 5 that TikTok has pledged to permanently withdraw the TikTok Lite rewards program from the EU market to address the issues raised in the lawsuit filed by the European Commission on April 22 and to ensure compliance with the Digital Services Act (DSA). TikTok promised to permanently withdraw the TikTok Lite rewards program from the EU and will not launch any other circumvention plans. The European Commission stated that any future violations of the commitment will immediately constitute a violation of the DSA and may result in a fine. With the above decision, the European Commission ended the lawsuit filed against TikTok in April, which is also the first case settled under the EU Digital Services Act. (Interface News)

[Infineon Technologies announces 1,400 layoffs worldwide]German chipmaker Infineon said on Monday that it will cut 1,400 jobs worldwide and move another 1,400 positions to countries with lower labor costs as part of a previously announced cost-saving plan. The layoffs include the earlier announcement of the elimination of hundreds of jobs at the company's plant in the southern German city of Regensburg. (Cai Lianshe)

[Former Citigroup executive Yan-Yee Ng will join Prudential in October]Prudential announced that Wu Lixian, president of the strategic business group, who has served in the group for 30 years, will retire at the end of this year and will continue to serve as an advisor to the executive president until June 2025. Prudential said that Wu Yanyi, a former senior management member of Citi, will serve as the group's regional executive president, in charge of Greater China, customers and wealth management business. She will join the group's executive committee, be based in Hong Kong and report to the executive president, Hua Kangyao. The appointment will take effect on October 1. (

[Coca-Cola Company of the United States was ordered to pay an additional $6 billion for underreporting taxable income]The Coca-Cola Company of the United States recently stated that according to a ruling of the U.S. Federal Tax Court, the company must pay an additional $6 billion (about RMB 42.9 billion) to the U.S. tax department, including $2.7 billion in taxes and $3.3 billion in interest. According to this ruling, Coca-Cola Company made incorrect accounting treatments for its overseas sales between 2007 and 2009, underreporting taxable income of about $9 billion, and therefore must pay the additional amount. In response, Coca-Cola Company stated that the U.S. tax department and the court "abused the regulations" and will appeal. (NetEase)

[Xpeng Huitian completes USD 150 million in B1 round of financing and starts B2 round of financing at the same time]Xiaopeng Huitian announced the completion of a $150 million B1 round of financing and launched a B2 round of financing at the same time. Xiaopeng Huitian is about to build the world's first flying car factory that uses modern assembly lines for large-scale mass production in the Guangzhou Development Zone, which will first be used to produce the flying body of the split flying car "land aircraft carrier".Rui Beast AnalysisLog in to see more)

[Amazon intends to acquire Covariant]Covariant, an American AI software company focusing on embodied intelligence, recently received an acquisition intention from Amazon. Currently, neither Amazon nor Covariant has responded to the news. Covariant's core business focuses on the "Covariant Brain" software system and its AI robot solutions, among which the warehousing scenario is the scenario it chooses to implement first. In March of this year, Covariant also launched the first commercial robot foundation model RFM-1 (Robot Foundation Model-1). The model can use natural language input such as videos, pictures and texts to help warehouse robots understand and perform related tasks more quickly. (Sohu)

[Candy giant Mars reportedly plans to acquire Pringles parent company Kellanova]According to reports, people familiar with the matter said that the US candy giant Mars is considering acquiring snack company Kellanova. If the deal is reached, it will be one of the largest mergers and acquisitions in the history of the packaged food industry. Kellanova is headquartered in Battle Creek, Michigan, with a market value of approximately US$20 billion. Its products include snacks such as Pringles and Pop-Tarts. (Interface)

[Bukaxing completes nearly 100 million yuan in Series A financing]Pet company Bukaxing recently completed a nearly 100 million yuan Series A financing, led by old shareholder Jinding Capital. Bukaxing's financing is mainly used for team building, supply chain construction, and new product research and development and promotion. Bukaxing was founded in 2019 and is mainly engaged in the research and development, production and sales of small pet products and food. (Rui Beast AnalysisLog in to see more)

[Fengfei Aviation Technology completes hundreds of millions of dollars in Series B financing]Shanghai Fengfei Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. (Fengfei Aviation Technology) has completed a round B financing of hundreds of millions of dollars, with the investment from CATL. Fengfei Aviation Technology is a technology company focusing on the research and development and manufacturing of autonomous aircraft. It was founded in 2017 and is headquartered in Shanghai. It has more than 300 employees, of which more than half are technical R&D personnel. The funds from this round of financing will be used to further promote its technology research and development and market expansion in the aerospace field. Previously, Fengfei Aviation Technology had completed its A round of financing. (Rui Beast AnalysisLog in to see more)

[Figure 02 humanoid robot released on August 6, Figure AI founder boasts that it is “the strongest on earth”]On the evening of August 2, Beijing time, Figure AI, which is supported by OpenAI and other companies, released a trailer for its new generation humanoid robot Figure 02, and announced that it will be officially released on August 6, Eastern Time (corresponding to the afternoon of August 6 to noon of August 7, Beijing time). The trailer focuses on the hardware of this robot. It shows the joints and limbs of Figure 02 in detail, with flexible finger movements, a range of motion of up to 195°, and a torque rating of up to 150N・m. Brett Adcock, founder of Figure AI, even claimed that Figure 02 will be the most advanced humanoid robot on earth. (IT Home)

[The latest official pictures of Zeekr 7X are released: the classic "Black Warrior" model is unveiled, with an integrated smart light curtain]Zhu Ling, vice president of Zeekr Intelligent Technology, shared a set of the latest appearance pictures of Zeekr 7X on the social platform today, including four colors: Midnight White, Dawn Brown, Starry Gray, and Midnight Black. The overall design style of the car is similar to that of Zeekr 007, with through-type front and rear lights, which are officially called "integrated smart light curtains" and "floating streamer taillights"; it is equipped with hidden door handles and a laser radar on the top. The new car is still based on the SEA vast architecture, with a length of 4825mm, a width of 1930mm, a height of 1656mm, a wheelbase of 2925mm, and a room ratio of 83.34%. (IT Home)

[Sichuan encourages and guides enterprises to absorb employment, and the one-time employment subsidy standard is increased to 2,000 yuan per person]The General Office of the Sichuan Provincial Government recently issued "Several Policy Measures on Further Stabilizing and Expanding Employment", which involves 20 articles and 47 items on various policy measures such as promoting employment, encouraging entrepreneurship, and preventing unemployment.

The relevant person in charge of the Department of Human Resources and Social Security introduced that in terms of encouraging and guiding enterprises to absorb employment, it is proposed that enterprises recruit college students in the graduating year, those under the poverty prevention monitoring, and those with employment difficulties, sign labor contracts for more than one year and pay social insurance premiums as required, and provide a one-time employment subsidy with the standard raised to 2,000 yuan per person; in terms of stimulating vitality and expanding employment capacity, it is proposed to develop new quality productivity to expand employment, timely sort out the six major advantageous industries in the region, such as electronic information, equipment manufacturing, food and textile, energy and chemical industry, advanced materials, and medicine and health, as well as the list of strategic emerging industries such as artificial intelligence and green hydrogen, equip employment service specialists, and establish a linkage mechanism for job collection, skills training, and sending workers to work. (Cailianshe)

【Institution: China's Bluetooth headset market shipments increased by 20.8% year-on-year in the first half of the year】The latest "China Wireless Headset Market Monthly Tracking Report" released by International Data Corporation (IDC) shows that the shipment volume of China's Bluetooth headset market will reach 55.4 million units in the first half of 2024, a year-on-year increase of 20.8%. Among them, the true wireless headset market shipped 35.08 million units, a year-on-year increase of 5.6%; the open-ear headset market grew strongly, with shipments of 11.84 million units in the first half of 2024, a year-on-year increase of 303.6%. (Cailianshe)

[Total box office in 2024 exceeds 30 billion]According to the data from Lighthouse Professional Edition, as of 16:32 on August 5, the box office (including pre-sales) of the 2024 cinema film market exceeded 30 billion yuan. (