
How can sustainable development activate green productivity? The 21st Century "Vibrant ESG" Practice Case Collection (2024) will soon write the answer


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Southern Finance Omnimedia reporter Lu Taoran and 21st Century Business Herald reporter Li Deshangyu report from Beijing

As my country has proposed the "dual carbon" goal, promoting the green transformation of development methods has been written into the government work report. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Opinions on Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of a Beautiful China", pointing out that high-quality development should be supported by a high-quality ecological environment.

2024 has become the first year for mandatory disclosure of ESG information in my country. Under the guidance of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Shanghai, Shenzhen and Beijing Stock Exchanges have issued documents requiring listed companies to publish ESG reports. ESG information disclosure has become a must for companies, ESG investment has become a new favorite in the market, and green development has also become a new trend.

Green development is the background of high-quality development, and new quality productivity itself is green productivity. How to activate green productivity through sustainable development? Since 2024, we have launched the 21st Century "Vibrant ESG" Innovation Case (2024) Collection Activity for the whole society. This activity aims to establish a number of ESG typical demonstration cases, provide reference for activating green productivity, guide enterprises to pay attention to and practice the concept of sustainable development in the long term, and help enterprises achieve high-quality development.

At present, the case collection stage has ended and the organizing committee has completed the initial screening of cases. As of the end of this case collection stage, we have received more than 100 excellent cases from local governments, central enterprises, multinational companies, leading enterprises, financial institutions, individual representatives, etc. The final shortlisted cases will be included in the "21st Century "Vibrant ESG" Practice Case Collection (2024)" and announced at the second 21st Century "Vibrant ESG" Innovation Forum.

On August 17, 2024, the second 21st Century "Vibrant ESG" Innovation Forum will be held in Shanghai, under the guidance of Southern Finance Media Group and hosted by 21st Century Business Herald, to discuss "activating green productivity, the way and art of corporate ESG" with important guests in the industry.

Hundreds of companies practice the concept of green development

The core of the ESG concept is to focus on ecological environmental protection, fulfill social responsibilities, and improve governance levels. This applies to both enterprises and individuals. The 21st Century "Vibrant ESG" Innovation Case (2024) solicitation activity is open to the whole society to collect ESG environmental friendly cases, ESG social responsibility cases, ESG green development cases, and ESG pioneer individual cases.

The core of the "E" in the ESG concept is to protect the living environment of mankind and ensure the sustainable development of the economy and society. The core of the "S" in the ESG concept is to adopt a development method that is beneficial to society. The core of the "G" in the ESG concept is to ensure the internal governance of the company's sustainable and healthy development.

In this event, we received more than 100 excellent cases from various industries, including China Minsheng Bank Co., Ltd., Industrial Bank Co., Ltd., China Guangfa Bank Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Bank Co., Ltd., Budweiser Investment (China) Co., Ltd., adidas Sports (China) Co., Ltd., Guangdong Dongpeng Holdings Co., Ltd., Sony (China) Co., Ltd., Marriott International, Sichuan Shuijingfang Co., Ltd., LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd., and Suzhou GCL New Energy Investment Co., Ltd.

Enterprises are the actors who practice sustainable development, and individuals should also be practitioners of the ESG concept. In this solicitation activity, we also received many outstanding ESG individual cases.

Contribute to the development of new quality productivity

The 21st Century "Vibrancy · ESG" Innovation Case (2024) solicitation activity has no threshold and no fees. All units that meet the participation requirements can fill out the online application according to the solicitation and evaluation principles and specific requirements.

The activity collection has now closed and will enter the expert review phase. This activity review uses quantitative and qualitative indicators for scientific scoring. The review rules introduce relevant experience of international standards. The shortlisted cases will be selected by combining the expert review results. The expert review panel is composed of relevant experts from the 21st Century Economic Research Institute of Southern Finance and Economics Omnimedia Group and the Cultural New Economy Research Institute of Shanghai University.

The final shortlisted cases will be included in the "21st Century "Vitality·ESG" Practice Case Collection (2024)" and presented at the "21st Century 'Vitality·ESG' Innovation Forum" hosted by the 21st Century Economic Research Institute of Southern Finance and Economics Media Group in August 2024.

The 21st Century Business Herald ESG News Channel of Southern Finance Omnimedia Group was established in 2021. In December 2023, at the China Corner of COP28 in Dubai, the 21st Century Business Herald ESG News Channel was officially upgraded to version 3.0: in conjunction with 21st Century's "ESG Sustainable Action Initiative" partners, it launched the "ESG One-Stop Solution". The "ESG One-Stop Solution" aims to leverage the core advantages of media communication, gather authoritative professional institutions in the ESG industry as strategic partners, and provide companies with four major services: ESG brand planning, ESG think tank research, one-stop carbon management, and ESG consulting and training, to serve the ESG needs of companies.

At present, the ESG channel of 21st Century Business Herald has been officially upgraded to the Carbon Neutrality and ESG News Department, and has launched innovative news products in multimedia forms including "Chief Climate Officer" high-end interviews, "ESG Insights" e-monthly, "Green Gold Roundtable" live dialogue program, "ESG Hot Search Weekly List", "Carbon Neutrality Weekly Information", "Green Finance Weekly Information", ESG WeChat public account, ESG WeChat video account, etc., covering regulators, universities, enterprises, financial institutions and other groups, and won praise from both inside and outside the industry with rich, professional and in-depth news reports.