
August confrontation road echelon: T0 tanks were completely wiped out, Bai Qi and Nezha counterattacked, and Xiang Yu fell from the altar!


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In the S36 season, the weight of the confrontation road has declined significantly. At the beginning of the season, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu staged the "Chu-Han Contention", and then these two sons of the version were continuously weakened.

In this issue, let’s talk about the confrontation road echelon structure in August, and recommend several confrontation road heroes that are suitable for rushing points.

[August Confrontation Road Tier Ranking]

T1 team: strong version, the first choice for gaining points

T2 Tier: Medium strength, suitable for masters with unique skills

T3: Low strength, suitable for specific lineups

T4: Version trap, weak performance in mid- and high-level segments

T1 team: Yalian, Liu Bang, Lao Fu Zi, Sun Ce, Nezha, Hua Mulan, Bai Qi

The highest priority in the first echelon are Yalian, Liu Bang, Lao Fu Zi and Sun Ce, the four most popular side lanes in the middle and high-level segments, and their combined appearance rate in the peak game exceeds 50%.

Yalian is strong in the early laning phase and has excellent C-cutting ability. His 23-combo is very effective in entering the field and is very effective in restraining non-displacement shooters. Liu Bang can solo and provide quick support. His ultimate can cooperate with the jungler to cut C and also provide a shield to protect the shooter.

Lao Fuzi has strong solo laning ability in the mid-to-late game, and his ultimate flash is a very powerful means of starting a team fight from a single point; Sun Ce's ultimate skill allows him to run around the map quickly to provide support, and he can start a team fight and harvest, posing enough of a threat to the C position.

As the overall strength of the confrontation road declines, Nezha and Bai Qi are the few tank heroes whose win rate and appearance rate have increased, and they have successfully joined the ranks of the T1 echelon.

This season, the early damage of Bai Qi's first skill is increased and the early seconds of his second skill are shortened by 2 seconds, which solves the problem of Bai Qi's weakness in the early stage. His strong characteristics in the middle and late stages of the game are very consistent with the current version where soft support is the mainstream.

Nezha's performance will not be bad in the version where shooters rise. His ultimate skill can lock the target from a long distance and his passive skill has a heavy damage effect. In this version, it is definitely a win to trade one for one with shooters in the confrontation lane. After many adjustments, Nezha's early laning strength is also online.

T2 team: Xiang Yu, Yuan Ge, Kuang Tie, Mi Yue, Si Kong Zhen, Ma Chao (Jungler T1), Xia Hou Dun

Xiang Yu once topped the T0 tier at the beginning of the season. After the knock-up time of his first skill was changed from 1 second to 0.75 seconds, his strength dropped drastically. His recent ranking win rate is 50.1% and his peak game win rate is 48.5%.

Since the charging time of Xiang Yu's ultimate skill is exactly 1 second, for enemies who cannot use the Resistance Boots before, it is basically a sure hit to kill them in seconds with the first skill and then use the ultimate skill, so cutting C can be said to be simple and rough.

After the knock-up time of the first skill is changed to 0.75 seconds, no matter whether the enemy has resistance boots or not, they will have enough time to use displacement to create distance after being knocked up by Xiang Yu's first skill, or even move directly behind Xiang Yu.

Therefore, Xiang Yu's ultimate skill is now extremely dependent on flash. It is effective against non-displacement shooters, but it is recommended that you use it with caution when playing against a more flexible lineup.

T3 team: Cheng Yaojin, Guangxin, Ji Xiaoman, Zhu Bajie, Damo, Meng Tian, ​​Charlotte, Yuanliu's son tank, Guan Yu

Tier 4: Lu Bu, Arthur, Yang Jian, Zhong Wuyan, An Xin

Ji Xiaoman and Damo were the "Four Fantasy Gods" in the confrontation lane last season. Due to the continuous weakening of the heroes themselves and the changes in the version environment, their strength has dropped to the third tier.

Dharma's popularity has returned to the state before the rework last year. His recent ranking win rate is 48.7% and his peak game win rate is 50.2%. With his appearance rate being the lowest and only used by the master of unique skills, this data is really not up to standard.

Last season, the knockback distance of the ultimate skill was reduced by resilience and the interval between using the first skill became longer, which was the core reason why Dharma fell from the altar. Currently, he is stuck in an awkward situation where he cannot kill squishy targets in seconds even if he wears a set of meat equipment, and the output flow has too low tolerance rate.

Ji Xiaoman's damage, health recovery and ultimate CD were all weakened last season. This season, his skill 1 grab and 21 combos that lock the enemy can be dodged by teleportation skills, causing his strength to drop significantly.

The recent ranking win rate is 45.2%, and the peak game win rate is 47.7%. The planner mentioned that the problem of Ji Xiaoman’s low tolerance rate in team battles will be optimized. For specific plans, please pay attention to the experience server dynamics in the near future.

[Recommendations for heroes in the confrontation road]

(1) Recommended equipment for Yalian

Recommended inscriptions: 10 Fate, 10 Void, 10 Concealment

(2) Recommended equipment for Liu Bang

Recommended inscriptions: 10 Destiny, 10 Heart, 10 Harmony

(3) Recommended equipment for Lao Fu Zi

Recommended inscriptions: 10 Fate, 5 Void, 5 Eagle Eye, 10 Hunting

(4) Sun Ce's equipment recommendations

Recommended inscriptions: 10 mutation, 10 eagle eye, 10 stealth

(5) Recommended equipment for Bai Qi

Recommended inscriptions: 10 Fate, 10 Void, 10 Concealment

(6) Recommended equipment for Nezha

Recommended inscriptions: 10 Fate, 10 Void, 10 Concealment

The above is all about the ranking of the confrontation road echelon in August. If you want to know moreHonor of KingsFor strategies, please remember to follow us!