
Lost all the gains in the year in two days! Cross-border ETFs were "sold", but some still received financing to increase their positions


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Cailianshe News on August 5 (Editor: Zilong),Today (August 5), cross-border ETFs fell again, and the ETFs that fell by more than 6% were all tracking foreign indexes.Nikkei 225 ETF(513880)、Nasdaq Technology ETF(159509) both hit the limit down,Nikkei ETF(159866)、Asia Pacific Select ETF(159687)、Nikkei 225 ETF E Fund(513000) fell by more than 9%.

Note: Cross-border ETFs fell again (as of the close of August 5)

Cross-border ETFs collectively plunged, and some annual lines have closed down

In recent years, boosted by the continued strength of overseas markets, cross-border ETFs have frequently set off bright trends. In addition, some short-term funds prefer them. ETFs of many varieties such as Nikkei, Nasdaq, US 50, S&P 500 have been active this year with a continuous high premium. However, with the recent adjustment of foreign indexes, these "popular funds" have also ushered in a sharp decline. Many cross-border ETFs have hit a multi-month low after consecutive days of flash crashes. Some ETFs have even lost all their gains this year and have retreated significantly from their highs this year.

Looking at the specific data, as of today's (August 5) close, 75 of the nearly 130 cross-border ETFs on the market closed down on the year, accounting for nearly 57.7%, while only 50 of them were "in the red" two days ago, accounting for 38.5%. Among the more than 20 cross-border ETFs that "closed up on the year two days ago, and lost all the gains in the year due to the sharp drop in the past two days", there are obviously more Nikkei-related ETFs, especially Huaan Fund's Nikkei 225ETF, which has fluctuated from a 9.3% increase in the year to a current loss of nearly 6.8%, but it is still at a premium of nearly 2.85%.

Note: Cross-border ETFs that closed higher 2 days ago but are currently down and have the largest declines in the past 2 days (fund size as of August 2, other data as of August 5)

In addition to Nikkei-related ETFs, China Southern Fund Asia Pacific Select ETF, China Southern FundJapan Topix Index ETF, Huatai-PineBridge FundChina-Korea Semiconductor ETFIn the past two days, the decline has been significant, with a drop of more than 10%. At the same time, the premium data of these ETFs have also fallen to varying degrees. It is worth noting that the premium discount rate of Southern Fund Japan Topix Index ETF has dropped sharply today, and is currently discounted by nearly 22%. In addition, Harvest FundS&P Biotech ETF, Huaan Fund’s France CAC40 ETF also has a discount rate of over 2%.

The financing balance is still increasing, and the share continues to grow

This year, influenced by the "cross-border ETF fever", many cross-border ETFs have received a lot of leveraged funds. As of August 2, the net purchase of Invesco Great Wall Fund's Nasdaq Technology ETF increased by nearly 570 million yuan this year, ranking first among all cross-border ETFs. Harvest Fund's Nasdaq Index ETF, Huatai-PineBridge FundNasdaq 100 ETF, Bosera Hang Seng Healthcare ETF, and E Fund Hong Kong Securities ETF also increased their financing balances by nearly 204 million yuan, 144 million yuan, 120 million yuan, and 104 million yuan, respectively.

Note: Cross-border ETFs with the largest growth in financing balances during the year (fund size and financing data as of August 2, other data as of August 5)

As cross-border ETFs have retreated recently, the financing data of related funds has also gradually declined, but some funds continue to receive leveraged funds to increase their positions. As of August 2, screening ETFs related to Nasdaq, Nikkei, S&P, etc. that have been active in recent years, the largest fund size is GF FundNasdaq ETFIn the past two days, the financing funds increased by nearly 62 million yuan, which is the highest in two weeks since July 22. At the same time, the financing scale of funds such as Huatai-PineBridge Fund Nasdaq 100ETF, E Fund Nikkei 225ETF, and Huaan Fund Nikkei 225ETF has also increased slightly in recent days.

Note: Changes in recent financing data of ETFs related to Nasdaq, Nikkei, and S&P (fund size and financing data as of August 2, and other data as of August 5)

In addition, from the perspective of fund shares, there are also many ETFs related to the Nasdaq, Nikkei, S&P, etc. that continue to grow, showing a trend of "buying more when the market falls". As of August 2, the shares of the three Nasdaq ETF funds managed by Wells Fargo Fund, China Merchants Fund, and Huatai-PineBridge Fund have increased significantly in the past two days, reaching 8.6%, 3.7%, and 2.6% respectively. At present, overseas markets have fallen sharply for several days, and related ETFs have also fluctuated greatly. For ordinary investors, they still need to pay attention to the risk of retracement and pay attention to the over-discount situation to avoid losses.

Note: Recent changes in fund shares of ETFs related to Nasdaq, Nikkei, and S&P (fund size and financing data as of August 2, and other data as of August 5)

(Cailianshe Zilong)