
Douban gave it a score of 7.7, and the box office on the first day of release was less than 10 million. Was it unfair that Zhang Ruoyun's movie flopped?


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This is another film that will be polarized.

Love to death.

What nonsense will people who don’t love say?

Its visuals are absolutely a riot on today's domestic screens.

The score has been opened and Douban has a score of 7.7.

Matters of taste are difficult to reconcile and impossible to convince.

The movie is left for you to appreciate, Sir would rather chat and strip away the dazzling kaleidoscopic decorations.


Safe Evacuation from the 21st Century

Directed by Li Yang.

Although he has been away from the world for a long time, his legend has always been there.

The Adventures of Li Xianji has become considered by many netizens as "the most awesome domestic independent animation in the early 21st century."

Shooting the short film "Bad Future".

The "brain seizure" problem is still not cured.

Sometimes a movie progress bar appears, and sometimes a game screen is inserted.

And all his works have only one protagonist:


As for the protagonist, he is just a prop toyed with and consumed by time.

With this in mind, let’s take a look at “Safe Evacuation from the 21st Century” (hereinafter referred to as “21st Century”).


Is it new?

For domestic screens, this movie is weird enough and is indeed refreshing.

But if compared with the director's works, all the tricks are played before:

Time travel, media switching, sudden nonsense, collage of popular elements...

The story of "21st Century" is about three teenagers who accidentally came into contact with strange chemical reagents during the summer vacation of 1999 and traveled to 20 years later.

I discovered that my future self and the world were not as I had hoped.

So they frequently traveled between the 21st century and 1999, trying to patch up the holes in their lives.

The story couldn't be simpler.

But the visual impact and memes are overwhelming.

The high-speed editing, with an average of one shot every 3 seconds, makes your eyes move faster than a slide show.

for example.

From 1999 to 2019, the transition shot:

A microwave oven, which increases the lifespan from 10 years to 20 years, allowing food to cook quickly. In addition, a green plant man grows rapidly, and various strange mutation scenes appear.

Finally, we stop at the face of the "Da Yu" king played by Zhang Ruoyun.

Mental retardation

Complete a 20-year journey.

In addition to these.

There are also comic special effects that are suddenly added in the fighting scenes.

One punch can break bone structure.

The taillights drift into comic lines.

If the audience has seen his "Bad Future", it can be said that this work is an extension of the previous short film.

There are also such comic-style lens expressions in it. (Even more exciting than the one in "21st Century")

There is also a microwave button that adjusts the two bodies to pass through each other.

Just flip a switch and you can switch from being a "good guy" to a "bad guy."

Even the plot twists are the same.

Using blood and cerebral fluid to control human behavior.

It’s just that one was used in the war, and the other was used in the "conspiracy of the century" 20 years later.

So you ask Sir whether "21st Century" is good?

The quickest way to judge is to turn on "The Adventures of Li Xianji" (20 minutes) or "Bad Future" (36 minutes).

If you like it, you can buy the ticket immediately.


The trick of time

In Li Yang's movie.

"Space and time" are always something that can be pulled, stretched, and shaped at will.

For example, this scene in "Li Xianji".

In order to create the feeling that the character is falling, he can directly change the picture from horizontal to vertical.

Let the character slide off the screen and fall into the water.

The rules of spatial sense do not exist in his films.

So, you will see a 16:9 picture one moment and a 5:4 picture the next.

The protagonists are either prisoners of time or time assassins.

Li Xianji suffers from "time difference", which can make a very short time feel long, and can also make a very long time feel short.

The same is true in "Bad Future".

Sometimes I am myself at 15, sometimes I am myself 8 years later.

Then it jumps to two years after the divorce, when the character was carrying out a secret mission for the country.

This is even more true in "21st Century".

He used "time travel" nonchalantly just to allow his 18-year-old self to have a conversation with his 38-year-old self. At the critical moment when he was 38, he even sneezed deliberately and returned to his 18-year-old body.

Take a brief escape.

When you finish reading all of Li Yang's works, you will find that he has never grown up.

When Song Yang was discussing the plot with him, he said, "You definitely won't get angry if a teen scolds you."

Li Yang took a step back and said, "I think I can."

After completing "Li Xian Ji" in 2009, he seemed to have never gotten out of this story.

Instead, he stayed in a world where all kinds of hallucinations would occur after eating mushrooms.

Even in the behind-the-scenes footage of the movie "21st Century", his mind was full of wild ideas.

He would imagine how nice it would be if conversations were like saved files:

We can continue the conversation when we meet again.

The sneezing and time-travel scene was also because he had severe rhinitis since childhood.

After taking the wrong medicine, I kept sneezing and had severe hallucinations.

So he thinks that sneezing can cause your soul to leave your body.

He was content to store his consciousness as"Chinese Dream Core"In the 90s.

You can see it everywhere in the movie:

Sixteen-player Street Fighter game cards, the fonts of "Neon Genesis Evangelion", the sets of the sitcom "I Love My Family", and the dormitory living area of ​​a state-owned factory.

He meticulously constructed the most beautiful summer vacations in our childhood, which were also our favorite summer vacations of that era: just like the series of words that Liu Lianzhi (played by Zhong Chuxi) recited when holding the king bomb: goldfish pond, summer, rabbits, fireworks...

So much so that at the age of 38, I still want to retain a bit of youthfulness.

Trying to save the world.

Trying to save myself who has already been swallowed up by the world and has no control over myself.


Bad Future

In the 21st century.

38-year-old Wang Zha is still an intern reporter who is looked down upon; Wang Chengyong is forced to work in the black industry; Yang Yi broke up with her childhood sweetheart, and she had to go out to work after a rich man called her...

Where did that hopeful 18-year-old go?

On the surface, the story of Bad Future has a sci-fi feel.

But this is actually a common theme in China:

We often divide life into two states, one is "thinking about the past" and the other is "a bad future".

Jia Zhangke's Platform.

I remember singing along the way:

We will meet again in twenty years

Glory belongs to the new generation of the 1980s

The bad future is that Cui Mingliang, who once longed to venture into the outside world, has returned to the starting point. The child is crying, the kettle is boiling, and he is sleeping soundly.

In the poems of the past.

I think back then:

Calligraphy, painting, chess, poetry, wine and flowers were all indispensable in those days.

The bad future is:

Now seven things have changed: firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea.

In the writings of Lu Xun.

I think back then:

"A boy of eleven or twelve years old, with a silver ring around his neck and a steel fork in his hand, stabbed a wild boar with all his might..."

The bad thing is that Runtu is no longer the close partner he used to be.

"He stopped, his face showing a mixture of joy and sadness; he moved his lips but made no sound. Finally, his attitude became respectful, and he called out clearly: 'Master! ...'"

So what is a bad future?

In common foreign science fiction films, the bad future is always robot rebellion, nuclear war, alien invasion, anarchism, dystopia...

△ "Snowpiercer"

Their bad future usually points toThe collapse of the status quo

The bad future we fear isThe status quo cycle

Right now.

Nothing has changed in the future. When we grow up, we will simply become the boring and powerless adults who have already flooded the entire society.

So no matter how complicated the pattern is.

The core of "21st Century" is simple and can be summarized as a song by SHE:

I don't want to, I don't want to grow up.

When you grow up, you can no longer dream.

Because the dreams you had were shattered again and again.

When you grow up, you have to compromise, to survive, to understand the ways of the world, to go with the flow, and to become numb.

Such experiences are not surprising.

"Safe Evacuation from the 21st Century" bears the obvious imprint of the post-80s and post-90s generations.

Because this generation reached adulthood and middle age in the 21st century, and by withdrawing from the 21st century, they will return to their most imaginative age.

For those born after 2000, it is a little confusing: to leave the 21st century, to where? To go back to the time before the embryo?


What is intriguing is that this movie, which was not originally prepared for the post-00s generation, may have hit the biggest emotion of the post-00s generation.

In reality, there is no superpower of time travel like in movies.

But young people have one last trick to deal with time:


After graduation, more people take the civil service examination and postgraduate examination, delaying employment.

People no longer believe in the love-driven ideas in idol dramas, become cautious, and delay marriage and childbearing.

If the future is not to be expected, then it is better to hinder its progress.

Movies don’t offer an antidote.

Although it finally shouted the second-year slogan "Even if you know it will get worse, you must still run towards the future with enthusiasm."

But what it actually does is hide in the cracks of time and space.

In a different dimension composed of Chinese dream cores, video games, classic songs of the era, and childhood toys, you can briefly escape from reality and enjoy yourself for a while.


The ideal future of the new generation is no longer some grand plan.

Instead, it was reduced to a virtual room like the one in Ready Player One.

It contains your favorite comics, games, gadgets, and all kinds of random thoughts from your childhood.

Stay and use it anytime.

Stop worrying about where the time has gone.

The pictures in this article are from the Internet

Assistant editor: Oda Furangqie