
This time, the challenge organized by "Delta Operation" is actually a big one?


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As the popularity of Delta Operation soars both at home and abroad, it is not difficult for us as players to see that Linlangtian has established a firm foothold as an official and has begun to consolidate its existing position. This is specifically reflected in two aspects: one is that they have increased the speed of content innovation, and the other is the construction and maintenance of the player community.

There is no need to say much about the former, as organizing sufficient updates time and time again has already said it all. As for the latter, the official not only took the opportunity of ChinaJoy to bring an offline carnival to the players, but also held a grand "Planning Team Challenge" live broadcast online yesterday evening, August 4th. In addition, everyone from game producers, chief planners to well-known anchors to ordinary players participated in it, and everyone was immersed in a joyful atmosphere!

Chase the plan and maximize the show effect!

The so-called "Planning Team Challenge" is actually a dream team composed of producer Shadow Giegie, chief planner, and two bodyguards BBQ and Qingxuan. They will take turns to play the "Dangerous Action" mode that night, bringing out high-value supplies in a relay manner, and they will not stop until they get 10 million supplies!

Last night, the official also launched an activity for all members. As long as the producer's team is sniped in the "Dangerous Action" mode, everyone in the team can get 520W Haff coins. The confident dream team also set personal goals. If they fail to achieve them, they will have to announce the unknown stories behind the development, tell the design they are most dissatisfied with, and announce the distribution of large lucky bags to all players!

A big reward always attracts brave men

In the first game, the Chief Planner was attacked frantically by the players. However, with the cover and cooperation of BBQ and Qingxuan, the whole team finally evacuated successfully. Although BBQ and Qingxuan said that they did not want to attribute all the victory of more than 1.1 million to the Chief Planner, the Dream Team also had a successful start!

In the second round, it was the producer Shadow Giegie's turn to be tortured by the players. Just when he had just drawn the big red and was immersed in joy and cheers, the player who came to snipe him took him down directly.

In order to get his teammates to save him, Shadow Giegie, after being threatened by the two "bodyguards" Qingxuan and BBQ with a red, broke the news that the game would be launched before October 31. With the ringing of the corporate WeChat and Fanggao's instigation, the news that the game was about to be launched was basically confirmed!

In the third game, Shadow Giegie was under even greater pressure. Facing the players' collective attack, as the "Old Man Linlang", he had to sigh at the players' quick reactions, and the Dream Team was ultimately wiped out.

As a promise, producer Shadow Giegie further announced that "Delta Operation" will be launched in September.

In the last round, the pressure-free Dream Team finally got rid of the torture and started playing the new map "Critical Point" in the "Total Battlefield" mode. In this mode, all players who crashed into the shadow giegie received 20 advanced weapon experience coins. After a fierce fight between the two sides, the final battle ended with the victory of the attacking side.

Why is the big one coming again?

In fact, throughout the entire live broadcast, in addition to the most important release date news, producer Shadow Giegie and chief planner also brought us other explosive news.

For example, after "Delta Operation" a new medical operator with "very magical skills and actions" will be launched, and the 3*3 safe box will also undergo major changes after the public beta. Players will no longer be required to complete a hundred tasks to get it. After it goes online, it will provide players with an emergency.

In addition, a new map "Bakshi" in the Danger Zone mode will also be launched after the official public beta. Its difficulty is between the two maps of Space Base and Dam. This also means that it will have both normal and confidential modes for players to play, and will bring a different experience from before.

As for the "Total Battlefield" mode, a new map called "Permeation" will also be launched, but more information about the map has not yet been disclosed.

In addition to these new contents, major changes will be made to the game's UI, weapon balance, character mobility and other design aspects after the official public beta, making the entire game more playable than the current test version. These "big" changes one after another inevitably make people look forward to the official version of "Delta Operation" after it goes online.


In a trance, the scene of the first appearance of "Delta Operation" is still in front of my eyes. Just as players were exclaiming at the rapid development and good quality of the game, the September release date announcement in this live broadcast gave everyone an unexpected reassurance. I hope that it will eventually make a big splash and bring a little shock to the domestic FPS market!