
Tongwei Group once again ranked among the Fortune Global 500 list!


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On August 5, the 2024 Fortune Global 500 list was officially released. After making its debut last year and becoming the world's first photovoltaic company to be listed in the Fortune Global 500, Tongwei Group once again made it to the Fortune Global 500 list this year, ranking 467th.

The 2024 Fortune Global 500 rankings can not only understand the rise and fall of enterprises, but also understand the changes in the company's sales return rate, return on net assets, total productivity and other operating quality through vertical comparisons of different years and horizontal comparisons of different industries. This ranking has become an important indicator for world-renowned companies to judge their own strength, scale and international competitiveness, and is also a barometer of the world economic situation.

Tongwei Group once again ranked among the Fortune Global 500

The total operating revenue of the Fortune Global 500 companies this year is about 41 trillion US dollars, equivalent to one-third of the global GDP, a slight increase of about 0.1% over last year. The threshold for this list (minimum sales revenue) has increased from 30.9 billion US dollars to 32.1 billion US dollars. The total net profit of all listed companies increased by 2.3% year-on-year to about 2.97 trillion US dollars. In addition to the total profit of the 500 companies being slightly lower than that of the companies on the list in the previous year (2022), other indicators, including total assets, total net assets and total number of employees, have reached the highest peak since the establishment of the Fortune Global 500 list. The overall profits of the 500 companies are back on track. In 2023, the total profits of the world's top 500 companies will be close to 3 trillion US dollars, an increase of 2.3% over the previous year. This year, a total of 133 Chinese companies are on the list. Among them, Tongwei Group once again topped the Fortune Global 500 list with its strong development strength.

In 2023, Tongwei Group was listed in the Fortune Global 500 list for the first time, filling the gap of Sichuan's manufacturing industry in the world's top 500 companies, and became the world's first photovoltaic company to be listed in the world's top 500. Based on a new starting point, Tongwei participates in global competition and cooperation with a higher position and a broader vision, and comprehensively accelerates the pace of building a world-class enterprise.

Tongwei Solar Intelligent Manufacturing Production Workshop

Under the leadership of Liu Hanyuan, deputy to the National People's Congress, vice chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, and chairman of the board of directors of Tongwei Group, Tongwei continues to consolidate its global leading position in crystalline silicon and solar cells. At present, Tongwei's annual production capacity of high-purity crystalline silicon is 650,000 tons, ranking first in the world in production and sales; the production capacity of solar cells has reached 95GW, ranking first in the world in terms of cell shipments for seven consecutive years; the production capacity of high-efficiency modules is 75GW, and the shipment volume in 2023 has jumped into the top five in the world, and photovoltaic products are exported to more than 40 countries and regions overseas; the world's first "fish-light integration" development model has been created, and 54 "fish-light integration" bases have been developed and built, with a cumulative installed capacity and grid-connected scale of more than 4GW, creating a national rural revitalization Tongwei model.

Over the years of development, Tongwei has always regarded technological innovation as the core driving force for the development of the enterprise. It has not only continuously optimized and upgraded existing technologies, but also actively laid out new technology fields to cope with future market changes. The "Yongxiang method" high-purity crystalline silicon production technology has been applied to the eighth generation, and the research and development reserve has reached the ninth generation, realizing the technological iteration "from 1 to 9". The purity of key impurity elements in the product has reached 11 nines, and electronic-grade polysilicon has been exported overseas in batches. In the battery cell segment, in addition to focusing on the promotion and application of TOPCon technology, Tongwei has also made in-depth layouts in cutting-edge technologies such as HJT, XBC, and perovskite/silicon stacked cells. Among them, HJT technology is a strong competitor for the next generation of photovoltaic cell technology. Tongwei has built my country's first GW-level HJT production line. In terms of components, Tongwei has built a rich product matrix that includes differentiated battery technology routes such as TPC, TNC, and THC and diversified component technologies, and has completed the development of new high-value rectangular battery components to meet the increasingly rich application scenarios of global photovoltaic installations and the needs of end customers for higher-power component products.

Tongwei's high-efficiency component intelligent manufacturing production line

In April this year, Tongwei's new TNC-G12R/G12 modules were successfully rolled off the production line in Nantong, Hefei and Yancheng, fully entering the 700W+ "big" era. At the same time, the global layout of modules continues to accelerate. In the first half of this year alone, Tongwei modules have appeared in international energy exhibitions in France, Spain, Poland, Italy, Japan, Germany and other countries and regions, showing global customers the efficient and high-quality Tongwei "smart manufacturing" products; and have signed cooperation agreements with domestic and foreign partners such as Memodo, Acwa Power, AMEA Power, Bouygues, ENBW, Haixing Power, etc., continuously expanding Tongwei's global "circle of friends".

On May 29, Tongwei's THC and TNC modules both set new world records with module powers of 765.18 watts and 743.2 watts, respectively. Since 2023, Tongwei has set a new world record for heterojunction module power for the eighth time, and has achieved new power records in its TNC series products three times. On June 6, the first HJT+THL battery of Tongwei's Global Innovation and R&D Center rolled off the production line, marking the official start of the research and development and pilot activities of key core technologies for new batteries and modules. On July 30, the first half-chip slicing pilot line of Tongwei's Global Innovation and R&D Center rolled off the production line, marking a major breakthrough in the field of photovoltaic slicing technology. Tongwei's Global Innovation and R&D Center focuses on cutting-edge technology research and development and innovation in the photovoltaic field, and has laid out a layout covering almost all mainstream future technologies for solar cells and modules to meet the needs of future photovoltaic technology development. With strong technological innovation capabilities, Tongwei has accumulated sufficient confidence for high-quality development in the future when the industry landscape is undergoing major changes.

The first battery rolls off the production line at Tongwei Global Innovation and R&D Center

In 2024, Tongwei Group, as the only representative of global photovoltaic enterprises, once again ranked on the Fortune Global 500 list with its development resilience and strong strength; at the same time, Tongwei's brand value also reached 230.559 billion yuan, continuing to rank first in the two major industries of global aquatic products and photovoltaics. The outstanding results not only demonstrated Tongwei's strong development strength and strong competitive advantages, but also fully demonstrated the development achievements of China's photovoltaic industry as a new "Chinese business card" standing on the world stage, and more powerfully demonstrated the great power of China's photovoltaic industry to rise comprehensively and constantly surpass itself.

Tongwei "fishing and solar integration" base

At present, my country is unswervingly advancing the energy revolution. While promoting the development of domestic clean energy, it also contributes Chinese technology, Chinese products and Chinese solutions to the world, and has made great contributions to the development of global clean energy. In 2023, my country's new photovoltaic installed capacity will be about 216GW, a year-on-year increase of 147%; the output value of photovoltaic manufacturing will exceed 1.5 trillion yuan; the export of electric vehicles, photovoltaic products, and lithium batteries will exceed the trillion yuan mark for the first time. The photovoltaic industry has become my country's most competitive and powerful strategic emerging industry in the world, and has become a banner of my country's high-end manufacturing.

As a leading photovoltaic company in China and the world, Tongwei will take the opportunity of once again being listed in the Fortune Global 500 to shoulder the responsibilities and missions of the new era, continue to strengthen its confidence and determination in the development of the photovoltaic industry, continue to strive and work hard, and work together with global industry colleagues to promote China's innovative and high-quality photovoltaic development, and actively contribute Chinese wisdom and strength to promoting green and sustainable development in China and the world.