
Analysis of the trend of the data factor market in July | Newly added data products on the market are mainly tools, with the largest number of products in the financial services industry


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Nanfang Finance Omnimedia Researcher Shi Zixuan and Trainee Researcher Chen Lu report from Guangzhou

In July 2024, the data factor market developed steadily. By looking at the development of the data factor market through five representative data exchanges, Nancai Data Observation found that:In July, the Shenzhen Data Exchange had the highest concentration of new products among the five major data exchanges. Overall, data product delivery types were mainly data services, that is, auxiliary tool products for data analysis and processing accounted for 71% of the new products launched this month. From the industry perspective, the number of data products in the "data element × financial service" category was the largest; medical and health industry products ranked second, with 40 products launched in July. In addition, the data sources of more than half of the products were not publicly disclosed.

This series of reports is based on the statistical analysis of the self-developed database of Nancai Data, and continues to provide decision-making references for the development and design of data products and market transactions. The data in the report involving the five major data exchanges, Beijing International Big Data Exchange (hereinafter referred to as "BDI"), Shanghai Data Exchange (hereinafter referred to as "SDI"), Guangzhou Data Exchange (hereinafter referred to as "GDI"), Shenzhen Data Exchange (hereinafter referred to as "SDI"), and Guiyang Big Data Exchange (hereinafter referred to as "GDI"), are all public information.

1. Shenzhen Institute of Digital Technology has the highest concentration of new products

From July 1 to 31, 2024, the five major data exchanges added 235 new data products, of which Shanghai Data Exchange added the most data products, with 75, followed by Guizhou Data Exchange with 52, followed by Shenzhen Data Exchange with 48, Guangdong Data Exchange with 34, and Beijing Data Exchange with 26. Shanghai Xinchao Data Technology Co., Ltd. has listed 28 medical and health data products on Shanghai Data Exchange, making it the data provider with the most products listed among the five major data exchanges.

Figure 1 New data products added by the five major data exchanges

The concentration is calculated by the ratio between the total number of data products listed by data exchanges this month and the number of data vendors, reflecting the concentration of products listed by data vendors. It is worth noting that the Shenzhen Data Exchange has the highest concentration, reaching 12.00, which is much higher than other exchanges. The Shanghai Data Exchange ranks second with a concentration of 5.36, followed by the Guizhou Data Exchange with 4.33. The Beijing Data Exchange and the Guangdong Data Exchange are 1.86 and 1.55 respectively, showing relatively low concentration.

Figure 2 Concentration of data products listed on the five major data exchanges

2. 71% of delivered products are data services

Various data exchanges have not yet formed a unified label name for the delivery type of data products. Previously, the "Analysis Report on Financial Scenario Data Products of Active Data Trading Institutions" released by Nancai Data divided the data product delivery types into three categories: data sets, data services, and data reports based on the main classification methods in the market, and defined them accordingly. Simply put, data sets contain more data and richer fields, which can be further mined and analyzed to draw various conclusions; data reports are the product of data set processing, mainly outputting clear and concise analysis conclusions; data services are auxiliary tools for analyzing and processing data, and do not directly provide data or data conclusions.

Mainstream delivery data product types in the market

Statistics show that in July 2024, the delivery types of new data products of the five major exchanges are still mainly instrumental and auxiliary products. Data services account for the vast majority of the market share, reaching 71%, data sets account for 27%, and data reports account for only 2%.

Figure 3 Data product delivery types

3. New products in the financial services industry dominate

Comparing the twelve key industries of "Data Elements ×", the number of new data products in different industries varies greatly. Among them, the financial services industry has the largest number of new data products, reaching 56, showing its dominant position in the demand for data products. Medical health and technological innovation follow closely behind, with 40 and 33 respectively.

It is worth noting that in the field of medical health, Shanghai Xinchao Data Technology Co., Ltd. launched 27 new data products in July, and Shanghai Xinchao Medical Laboratory Co., Ltd. launched 11 new data products. Both data companies belong to Shanghai Xinchao Biological. Observing the use of the data products of this data company, it is found that its data products are mainly concentrated in the fields of precision medicine and biochips.

In addition, the number of new data products in the transportation, urban governance, meteorological services and commercial circulation industries were 26, 25, 21 and 17 respectively. The number of new data products in other industries was relatively small, with less than 10 new products in the cultural tourism, industrial manufacturing, modern agriculture and emergency management industries.

Figure 4 “Data element ×” number of data products in each industry

4. The source of most product data is not disclosed

Statistics show that data products with undisclosed sources account for the vast majority, reaching 64%, while data from proprietary products accounts for only 22%. The 10 publicly collected data products are all of the medical and health type.

Figure 5 Data sources of products listed on the five major data exchanges