
The party newspaper published an article on the headlines to encourage Zhejiang businessmen: Keep the momentum, the spirit of hard work, and the courage to create


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"The east wind blowing from the venue of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee once again demonstrated the clear attitude of the Party Central Committee in supporting the development of the private economy. Chinese-style modernization requires leaps forward in all areas and aspects, which must include a new leap for the private economy." "Maintain the momentum of 'breaking through', the spirit of 'fighting', and the courage to 'create', stand firm and break through the siege. I believe that Zhejiang businessmen will create a new atmosphere!" On August 5, Zhejiang Daily published a nearly 5,000-word commentary on the front page to encourage and boost the development of Zhejiang businessmen.

Zhejiang businessmen are known as "China's No. 1 business group". Since the reform and opening up, many explorations and breakthroughs have been of value not only to Zhejiang, but also to China. The first legal individual business in China, the first business license for a joint-stock cooperative enterprise, the first legally registered private bank, the first party branch of a private enterprise, the first listed township enterprise, the first listed company directly controlled by a natural person, the first mainland private enterprise listed on the H-share market, the first corporate license for a consortium, the first listed company on the SME board, and the first pure Internet listed company on the A-share market were all created by Zhejiang businessmen.

By the end of March this year, Zhejiang had 10.4 million market operators, equivalent to one boss for every 6.5 Zhejiang residents. The private economy contributed 67.2% of the province's GDP, 71.7% of taxes, 80.2% of imports and exports, and 87.5% of employment. The number of Zhejiang's "Top 500 Private Enterprises" has ranked first among all provinces for 25 consecutive years. In addition, there are more than 6 million Zhejiang businessmen working across the country and more than 2 million Zhejiang businessmen around the world.

After the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, Zhejiang Provincial Party Secretary Yi Lianhong made the first stop of his speech at the Zhejiang Merchants Association. "It conveyed the Party's cordial care for the vast number of enterprises and demonstrated the Provincial Party Committee's high attention to the development of Zhejiang merchants. It not only sent a signal of reform to Zhejiang merchants, but also cheered for the development of Zhejiang merchants and issued an earnest call to Zhejiang merchants," an article previously published in Zhejiang Daily pointed out.

On August 2, representatives of entrepreneurs attending the Standing Committee meeting of the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce issued an initiative, calling on Zhejiang businessmen to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, persist in innovation to win, bravely shoulder social responsibilities, and improve their own qualities.

In recent years, faced with the uncertainty of the economic situation, high-quality development is facing new "growing pains", and enterprises are climbing uphill and overcoming difficulties. "The more it is at this time, the more it tests the vision, courage, and ability of entrepreneurs, and the more they must strengthen their confidence." The commentary of Zhejiang Daily on the 5th wrote that Zhejiang businessmen from all walks of life are fighting in the main battlefield of nurturing new quality productivity by doing what others are unwilling to do, what others dare not do, and what others cannot do. They have not only traveled thousands of miles, said thousands of words, tried every possible means, and endured thousands of hardships, but also committed to "thousands of innovations", making enterprises into powerful innovation entities and standing at the forefront of scientific and technological innovation. I believe that Zhejiang businessmen will break a new path.

In July last year, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued 31 measures to promote the development and growth of the private economy. Zhejiang has issued regulations on promoting the development of small, medium and micro enterprises and optimizing the business environment. The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee once again released a firm stance and clear signal to support the development and growth of the private economy. "We can expect that the policy environment for the private economy will be better. We can expect that there will be more room for the development of private enterprises. We can also expect that the 'two hands' will form a greater synergy." The commentary of Zhejiang Daily said.