
Build dreams with childlike innocence and love in Xichang Aerospace!


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nowThe sky is the space with youNo. 2296Expect】

"When I grow up, I want to be like my dad..."

Recently, the Xichang Command and Control Center organized the families of astronauts to visit the launch site and carry out the "Tracking and Control Family" outdoor parent-child activity to experience aerospace work and life at close range.

During the event, the center carefully designed a number of activities, including visiting the launch tower, viewing the actual rocket, carrying out parent-child activities, tasting the unit's meals, etc., so that the families of astronauts can feel the unique and striving youth of aerospace workers in the event.

"The guide chute is used for..." The tour guide carefully introduced the functions and roles of the launch tower and various supporting facilities to the children and their families, allowing the children to feel the strength and prosperity of the country's aerospace industry, as well as the power and shock brought by science and technology.

"Meng Meng, you have to set a big goal, the biggest one." "Fun ring tossing" is the children's favorite part. A wide variety of toy dolls and aerospace models are neatly placed in designated locations, and the children are eager to try around the activity area. With the cooperation of their parents, the aerospace children use all their skills to throw the rings in their hands into the designated area and toss the prizes they like. The scene is full of laughter.

In the face of the hot summer, the organizers also prepared delicious snacks, fruits and cold drinks for the families and children participating in the event. The "Shining" band also brought wonderful performances to everyone during the intervals of the event. The atmosphere at the event was warm, and everyone applauded and laughed continuously.

"Xiaobao, look at the camera and smile!" "Expert Hu, you and your sister-in-law should get closer." Publicity reporter Che Yuanyuan was very busy and the number of beautiful photos captured in her camera gradually increased. "I am usually very busy at work and rarely have the opportunity to visit my husband's workplace. These photos are very memorable for us!" Hu Mingyu's family members said happily.

The wind under the launch tower gently caresses the cheeks of every cute space child. Every summer vacation, the center organizes a variety of activities. As of this year, the "Measurement and Control Family" activity of the Xichang Command and Control Center has been held for seven sessions. Through this parent-child activity, the children's holiday time is enriched, the distance between aerospace workers and children is shortened, and the understanding and support of aerospace families for their relatives who are rooted in the mountains and are committed to aerospace is further deepened.

In the next step, the center will further improve its work in helping people in need and solving problems, and make great efforts to solve issues concerning the vital interests of family members, such as family members' employment and children's schooling, and do more practical and good things for front-line aerospace workers.

Source | Our Space (ID:ourspace0424)

Author: Li Yiheng, Sheng Wei, Wang Mingwei

Photos | Che Yuanyuan, Wang Chenyu

Editor | Li Wenhui

Proofreading | Yang Yang‍‍‍‍

Editor-in-Chief | Zhang Wenjun

Deputy Editor-in-Chief | Ma Yujie

Email | [email protected]